
Blue Monday 2020

Blue Monday has become a regular calendar event; this year it falls on 20 January. There are those who say it’s the most depressing day of the year, some claim there’s scientific fact behind Blue Monday, while others suggest it’s a marketing ploy by those in the holiday business to make us head straight to the travel agent.

Theories aside, the NHS website says that lots of people can suffer from the ‘winter blues’. It’s thought that the problem is related to the way our bodies respond to daylight – the mental health charity MIND says one theory is that some people are affected by shorter daylight hours in the winter – they produce higher melatonin, causing lethargy and low mood.

To combat this try getting outside as often as you can, especially if it is a bright day. It’s also important to eat well in winter, including plenty of fresh fruit and veg. Keep active; activity is thought to change the level of mood-regulating chemicals in the brain, plus it can be a change of scene and opportunities to meet new people and socialise – which can also help.

Please consult a GP or other medical professional if you feel you need support or assistance.

Additionally if your Christmas spending is catching up on you, don’t worry there are lots of places to turn for help. Banks usually offer an annual free health check on your finances or if you have overspent and want to talk to someone about this you can contact Money Advice Moray, their advice is FREE and confidential.

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