
Star Awards 2019 - Winners

The STAR (Special Thanks and Recognition) Awards formally recognise the outstanding contributions of everyone at Moray Council.

With the council being such a diverse organisation, we received a wide range of nominations. And with so many employees doing a fantastic job, it has as always made judging very challenging. This year’s 20 nominations were of a particularly high standard and included 10 Letters of Merit from the Chief Executive.

The Letters of Merit were awarded to:

  • Essential Skills Team
  • Print Room Staff
  • Fleet Services
  • Lorraine Jones
  • Shirley Munn
  • Dyke Primary School Classroom Support Staff
  • Lorna Jack
  • Rachel Main
  • Norman McLeod
  • Kevin Price and Linda Guild

10 Outstanding Contributions were also recognised at the STAR Awards Ceremony which took place at Elgin Academy, including 2 teams and 8 individuals all being honoured and presented with their award by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Graham Leadbitter.

Outstanding Contributions Awards:

  • The Care Schedulers Team
  • Woodview Team
  • Duncan Brown
  • Tayne Campbell
  • Edweena Hayes
  • Jacky Davidson
  • George Mair
  • Lily Mulholland
  • Fionna Shearer
  • David Moreton

The grand finale of the awards ceremony was the presentation of our most prestigious awards:

Chief Executive’s Award for Excellence presented to Edweena Hayes in recognition of the significant positive impact she has had on the individuals who use the services offered by the volunteer department.

Chief Executive Special Appreciation Award presented to George Mair in recognition of the part he plays as a positive role model and mentor to the pupils of Anderson's Primary School and for his ongoing support and contribution to the school's wellbeing agenda.

Colleagues Choice Award that was voted by you was presented to Tayne Campbell for his demonstration of service improvement which has brought efficiency to the school through his creativity and dedication to the job.

Finally, there were also two Chief Executive Special Commendations awarded to George Burgess and Jim Durkin for their outstanding vigilance and quick thinking after discovering detonators within discarded waste at Keith Recycling Centre.

A huge congratulations to all our award winners and also a thank you to those that submitted nominations this year. Read full round-up from the event and see the winners' pictures in the latest issue of connect.

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