
No Smoking Day - 9th March 2022

It’s never too late to quit - It’s national No Smoking Day on 9th March 2022.

No matter how long you’ve smoked for, no matter how many cigarettes you smoke a day, your health will start to improve as soon as you quit.

The benefits of quitting smoking on your mental health are often over looked, but just as it improves your physical health, stopping smoking also improves your sense of wellbeing. Withdrawal can be tough, but with help, smokers can come out the other side feeling happier, healthier and wealthier too.

Some health benefits are immediate, some are longer term, but what matters is that it’s never too late.

If you are thinking about quitting, there are practical, quick and simple steps you can take straight away:

  • Talk to your GP – They can prescribe nicotine replacement therapy, such as patches, sprays and gum, or stop smoking medication such as Champix
  • Join your local stop smoking service - located in pharmacies / health points where you can choose group or 1-1 support.  You are up to 4 times more likely to quit successfully with the help of a local stop smoking service
  • Find online support – including apps, communities and motivational emails
  • Have an emergency phone number to hand – perhaps for your local stop smoking service or the national helpline
  • Consider using a nicotine-containing product – patches, gum, sprays, inhalators, tablets, etc.
  • Set a quit date – get support from family and friends

DON’T GIVE UP – It can take people a number of attempts before you quit smoking for good.  The more times you try, the better your chances of success.

STAY POSITIVE – Remember if you have tried before and not succeeded, you’ll be stronger next time because you’ll know what to look out for.

The NHS have advisors that can guide you through what’s helped other smokers, and help you work out what’s most likely to work for YOU.

For help to stop smoking contact 0800 84 84 84 or visit

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