
New rights for unpaid carer


New rights for unpaid carers and new duties for local authorities and health and social care partnerships will come into effect on 1 April 2018.

It aims to ensure unpaid carers are better supported to maintain their wellbeing as well as have a life alongside their caring role.

Here is an overview of some of the changes:
• An Adult Carer Support Plan will be prepared detailing the needs of the carer and the support required.
• A Young Carer Statement will be prepared setting out the needs of the young carer and any help and support needed.
• Moray Council or Health and Social Care Moray have a duty to provide support when a carer meets local eligibility criteria.
• Carers have a right to be involved in the hospital discharge process of the cared-for person.
• There is a duty on the local authority to have information and advice services for carers, covering a range of mandatory topics including emergency and future planning.
• The local authority will publish a Short Breaks Statement with information about short breaks services available for carers locally and nationally.
• Moray Council and Health and Social Care Moray must prepare a local carers strategy and consult with carers when shaping services which impact on their caring role.  

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