
The Wee Winter Walk Challenge - Week 4

This is the final week of The Wee Winter Walk Challenge. Keep putting one foot in front of the other – you’re doing great.

At the end of week four, they will have walked the equivalent of Moray HQ to Wick and round the coast to Kylestrome, down the west coast to Starthcarron, over to Fort Augustus, through Aviemore and back into Moray - final stop Glenlivet for a wee dram. 

There has been a lot of movement in the tables this week, but the top 3 places haven't changed. And Requiem of the Blood Thirsty Crucifix spooked everyone by walking 666,666 steps.

Here are the standings on the completion of week three:

And here’s what they need to complete each week.

Look out for the final results next week - great job everyone. 

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