
ICT Servicedesk eForms

All calls are to be raised using our new Self Service portal. 

The portal will allow you to raise your calls more efficiently, check your progress, add notes and attachments and receive information on call closures.

If you are unable to log onto your own PC you can also log onto your portal account from a colleague's PC.

All calls within Primary Schools are to be raised by the School Admin and High Schools by the School Technicians.

Select the button below to access the Self Service portal. 

ICT Servicedesk Self Service Portal

The Self Service User Guide (PDF) provides basic information for raising calls and updating your password (if you forget your password you can use the link on the logon screen to reset yourself).

Authorisation Forms

Access shared or user mailbox (PDF)

Access a file, folder or network drive (PDF)

Create a shared mailbox (PDF)

Home Carer Mobile Email Account form.(PDF)
This form should be used to ask for Mobile Phone email account for Home Carers. Line Manager authorisation is required

ICT resource request: for requesting access to pool car or meeting room bookings (PDF)

Leaver Notification (PDF)

Password reset: to request access to a user account (PDF)

Office move: to move ICT equipment (PDF)

Request a user profile: creating an account for a new member of staff in your team (PDF)

IMPORTANT: Please note that hand-written signatures are no longer required from line managers, however completed forms must be sent from your line manager's Moray Council email account as proof of authorisation.

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