
Walk to Work Day - 6th April

You may have noticed that the Healthy Working Lives group recently held a walk challenge - did seeing all the results coming in make you feel motivated to do a bit more?

Well, there is no time like the present as the 6th of April is Walk to Work day!  Walking can burn the calories, clear the head and get the heart pumping.  You can also reduce your carbon foot print at the same time.

A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.  One way to tell if you're walking briskly is if you can still talk but can't sing the words to a song.

You could also try using the free Active 10 app on your smartphone.  It tells you when you're walking fast enough and suggests ways to fit in some more brisk walking.

Live too far from work – park the car further away or get off the bus a couple of stops early.  If you already walk to work then encourage family, friends and colleagues to join you.

So, put your best foot forward  on the 6th and walk to work!!

But - don’t stop there - Staying motivated - Make it a habit…..

The easiest way to walk more is to make walking a habit. Think of ways to include walking in your daily routine. Examples include:

  • walking part of your journey to work
  • walking to the shops
  • using the stairs instead of the lift
  • leaving the car behind for short journeys
  • walking the kids to school
  • doing a regular walk with a friend
  • going for a stroll with family or friends after dinner

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