
Macmillan Coffee Morning

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, is due to take place on Friday 27th September (10:00 - 11:30 HQ Annexe Break Out area) and is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer. It is the perfect chance to catch up with your colleagues over a cuppa and a slice of something delicious, all whilst supporting a great cause. There will also be a raffle with a chance to win some great prizes.

Every two minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer and so many of us know someone who’s life has been affected by it. Last year within HQ, Gillian and her team made a fantastic £763.67 for Macmillan cancer, let’s try and make it even more this year and help to support those with this life changing diagnosis!

We could still do with more volunteers for baking or raffle prizes so if you are able to volunteer your time or your baking talents please contact Gillian Thomson on Ext 3408 or email

If you’re not based in the town there is also another Macmillan event being held by our colleagues at Ashgrove Depot in their HQ meeting room. They will also be serving cake all day and providing a raffle!

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