
Career Ready

What is Career Ready

Career Ready is a social mobility programme designed to “connect disadvantaged young people with the world of work, unlocking their potential and levelling the playing field.”

Moray Council work in partnership with Career Ready to support and empower young people, and boost social mobility by offering workplace opportunities and support for young people aged 15-18 years. With a mentor from the world of work, a four-week paid internship within Moray Council, and a series of skills masterclasses, young people leave the programme more confident, knowledgeable, and ready to follow their identified career path. 

  • 91% of students say Career Ready raised their career aspirations.
  • 87% of alumni said Career Ready had a positive impact on their life.
  • 89% of mentors report their mentoring and coaching skills as excellent or good at the end of the programme, compared to 40% at the start.
  • 98% of Career Ready students’ progress onto positive destinations in education or employment.

The programme is having an impact with 100% of the Moray Career Ready school leavers (2020-2022) moving onto a positive destination.

“Career Ready has had a massive impact on my confidence and I will continue to develop this confidence through my next chapter at university. Everyone deserves the chance to experience Career Ready”.

Milnes High School Pupil

The programme starts in October when the mentors are matched with a suitable student. The matching takes into consideration the needs and interests of both the student and the mentors to ensure a great match. Once matched and briefed the mentors are invited to the launch event where they are introduced to their students and the Career Ready team.

The Benefits of Mentoring

The opportunities provided to the young people through the Career Ready programme simply wouldn’t be possible without the support and dedication of the volunteer mentors.

Becoming a Career Ready mentor is a fun, flexible way to inspire a young person, unlock their true potential, and guide them through the early stages of their career journey. Being a mentor requires monthly contact (about an hour a month) with the young person over the 18-month period and the supervision of a 4-week summer internship. That contact might be in the form of a text message, a telephone call or better yet a catchup over coffee and cake.

The Programme

An hour can make all the difference to the young person and by engaging in regular discussions and activities with their mentors, young people learn how to articulate their thoughts, address challenges, and make informed choices, equipping them with the tools they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Mentoring a young person is a profoundly rewarding experience that benefits both the mentor and the mentee.

  • It provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment as you contribute to the personal and professional growth of a young individual.
  • Interacting with a different generation can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas with the mentee's unique outlook inspiring creative thinking, encouraging you to see situations from different angles and fostering a culture of continuous learning.
  • One of the most profound benefits of mentoring is the opportunity for personal growth, both for the mentor and the mentee. For the mentor, it provides a chance to share wisdom, experiences, and expertise, thereby reaffirming their own knowledge and skills.

The mentors are not alone and will be supported throughout the whole journey by the  Career Ready Regional Manager. The Organisational Development Team can also assist with any queries about the Career Ready scheme.

You can find out how to get involved and register your interest here 

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