
News - January 2023

13th January 2023 - Homeless – Initial Contact, raising Lagan Cases

Housing Needs Operation Manager Christine Bettison has today (13/01/2023) re-confirmed the following process when handling initial Homeless contact enquiries from members of the public.

I“As per the current agreement, all initial queries will be dealt with via the Contact Centre and cases raised where appropriate. We will then progress from there.”

Note Christine has advised that this process allows the Homeless officers to gain a better understanding of the customers situation and collate suitable options/advice for when contacting the customer back.

6th January 2023 - Housing Repairs Advice (High Winds)

Please note that there are currently no special procedures we are aware of yet for raising repairs with the recent yellow weather warning. We will keep this post updated should this change.

Update from DLO 10:00 - We would have to avoid putting tradesmen onto roofs where possible as it’s too dangerous, we will just have to make safe as best as we can, if fences have come down they will just make them safe/remove the fence and follow up work will be raised at a later date.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

4th January 2023 - Tenant Rent Statement Letters

A total of 1372 rent statements have been generated on Northgate today and the files passed to the Copyshop for printing and subsequent posting to tenants. Link below to template example.

Tenant Rent Statement Letters.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

4th January 2023 - Quartlerly Garage Rent Letters

264 letters have been generated today and the files passed to the CopyShop for printing and subsequent posting to tenants. The letter template is linked below for your info.

Quarterly Garage Rent Notice Letters.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

4th January 2023 - Housing Repairs Script Change

There has been an update made to the Housing Repairs Script to ensure enquiries are passed to the correct teams.

All Non Standard Repairs, Reports of Damp, Gutter Cleaning and Moss Removal are now dealt with by the Repairs Team in the DLO. Any cases raised will be passed to this team. They no longer fall within the remit of Asset Management. The Asset Management Team only deal with defects to new installations.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

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