
Council and Government - News

28 June 2024 - Important Information regarding Postal Votes

Please see the below information/guidance if any calls are received from members of the public who call to say they have not received their postal vote:

Ask the customer if they have always been a postal voter or if they have just newly registered for this election.

IF THEY SAY YES - they have always been a postal voter then this is an issue we can resolve by getting a case to the Elections team who can arrange for it to be reissued.

IF THEY SAY NO - they have only just registered for the election on 4th July then please advise them that they will receive their postal vote over the next couple of days.

This is a nationally wide issue and is out with our control, we are unable to do anything further.

If they are unhappy and not satisfied with that answer, then you can raise a case to the Elections team however please advise that the team are also unable to do anything as it is out with our control before raising the case.

25 June 2024 - Postal Vote Script Change

Please be advised that the Support Team were made aware that some parts of the Current Election, Postal Vote script pointed to the Election timetable from 2022. The link has now been updated to direct you to the Moray Council webpage. The current Election timetable is under:

  • UK Parliamentary Election 2024 
  • Candidates and Agents 
  • Election Timetable

Any questions please speak to the seniors in the first instance.

20 June 2024 - Important - How can I return my Postal Vote

A new introduction for this general election, is that Postal Votes (PV) are only to be accepted att he following locations for Moray:

• Royal Mail
• Polling Stations (on election day)
• Annexe Reception

CC Advisors should not encourage members of the public to hand in completed PVs to Reception or Polling stations. However, if you do need to do this, please inform your customer that they will need to complete a Postal Vote Return Form (PVRF).

Should a member of the public hand in a PV to Reception/Polling and fail to complete a PVRF their PV will be recorded as rejected & will receive a letter from the Election office after the election detailing the reason for their vote being rejected (this is standard practise for all rejected votes in any election).

Please note that this guidance is nationwide therefore out with the control of Moray Council.

Should anyone have any questions, please direct these to the senior’s mailbox in the first instance.

Kindest regards
Donna / Customer Service team Leader

19 June 2024 - First postal voting packs issued in Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey

More than 20,355 postal voting packs have been issued to voters in the Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey constituency ahead of the UK Parliament election.

Packs are being issued from today (19 June) and voters are encouraged to complete their postal vote and return it as soon as possible when they arrive through the door. A second drop of postal voting packs will take place from 26 June. Postal voters are being urged to return completed postal vote packs as quickly as possible to make sure they’re received in time to be counted.

Full details can be viewed here.

17 June 2024 - Postal Vote Information

All CC Advisors can find the Elections script by using the script short code “DD” and then selection the options “Corporate/Legal” & Elections.

As you will hopefully appreciate, this Election was called with short notice and while we have done our best to ensure the scripts are integrated with the Council’s webpages, we still have the timetable to link too but don’t worry you can find that here -

Please note that following a couple of recent queries are reception, customers CANNOT hand in voting applications to Moray Council offices for us to send them to the Electoral Registration office as the office they’re returning them to is now in Aberdeen rather than Elgin as it was in previous years.

Members of the public will be able to hand in completed Postal Votes to the Annexe Reception, I have a meeting with the Elections team (18/06) to discuss the steps required for this and will share the outcome on Information HUB News pages under “Council & Government - News”.

Kindest regards
Donna / Customer Service Team Leader

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