
News - July 2023

18th July – Tenant Participation Strategy Review

Just to make you aware of another housing consultation, a review of the Tenant Participation Strategy is going to be issued tomorrow to the list of interested tenants from . An estimated 510 emails and 166 letters are to be issued.

Any queries about the consultation can be directed to The consultations, housing policy, and tenant participation strategy webpages have been updated with a link to the survey. The consultations, housing policy, housing news and tenant participation strategy webpages have been updated with a link to the survey. This consultation will also be promoted on social media.

14th July – Housing Needs Update

Please see the below updated regarding Housing Online.

Option 1 – is used if they have an application and have had it for a number of years (Not yet registered for HOL but had done the application through Apply4Homes) hopefully we don’t have many of these but there will be some applications that may fit this option. They would have to registered to then be able to update the application.

Option 2 – Would be used if they are applying for housing for the very first time, never been housed by Moray Council and don’t have a HOL account and have never applied through Apply4homes.

Login – is just if they need to log in have registered before for HOL even if the application has now been closed or they just need to change details/ circumstances etc. – The customer had already registered for HOL so had an account and just needed to make a new housing application that she does through HOL. This meant she just needed to select the forgotten password option to get the new link to reset her password

13th July - Plumbing and Electrical Scheduler Update

Please be advised that Steven Stewart (Plumbing and Electrical Scheduler) will be on annual leave from 13/07/2023 until 30/07/2023, Steven will return on the 31/07/2023 and will be contactable on his mobile – 07929 655120 from the 31st.

Please contact Bethany Stuart at the DLO on Ext 3045 with any Pluming or Electrical repairs from 13/07/2023 until 30/07/2023.

12th July 2023 - Housing Repairs Script Change - Reports of Mould and Damp

Please be advised a new script change will go live tonight at 5pm that affects the Housing Repairs script.

All repairs relative to reports of mould and/or damp should now be directed through the relevant selection option at the bottom – ‘Report of Mould/Damp’. This now goes into a separate queue with specific housing staff monitoring it and handling the cases.

If you run into any issues with the script, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

5th July 2023 - Rent Setting Policy Consultation

The Housing Polcy Team have been working with an external consultant on a rent restructure and are now ready to assist them by consulting tenants on their views.

They will begin contacting all secure tenants by email/post today and invite them to fill in the consultant’s survey.

Following this, some online and in person consultation events are being planned for mid-August. Details of the events will be included in the Tenants’ Voice newsletter and social media in due course, tenants may call in to book their place once these are advertised.

Any queries about the consultation or booking a plcae at an event should be raised to housing policy through the anything else options within the housing scripts.

5 July 2023 – Garage Rent Notices

Quarter 2 garage rent notifications (259 letters) have been produced and passed to the Print Room for printing, enveloping and posting. Template letter linked below for info.

Garage Rent Letter

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