
News - September 2023

27th September 2023 – Housing Repair Script - Defect Property iWorld Issue

There has been an ongoing issue with the houses in defect for Fyvie Green, Elgin not populating details in iWorld via the Housing Repairs script.

Please be advised ICT have investigated this matter and it does not affect the functioning of raising repairs or the way the case is logged. Continue to raise repairs for addresses in Fyvie Green as normal.

22nd September 2023 – Scheduler Annual Leave

Please be advised that Steven Stewart (Plumbing and Electrical Scheduler) will be on annual leave until 02/10/2023. Please contact Bethany Stuart at the DLO on Ext 3045 with any Pluming or Electrical repairs in Stevens absence.

18th September 2023 - Moray Council buying open market properties

We have been made aware by the Housing team that a press enquiry has been received regarding the purchase of residential properties from the open market next year.

Housing have advised "We have a limited budget to purchase around six residential properties this year and 12 each year thereafter from the open market. This is being done for specific reasons in line with our Strategic Housing Investment Plan, such as where it meets housing need in pressured areas, or where new affordable housing development is constrained.". A response will go out to PR in due course but please be aware that any enquiries relative to this topic are to be sent to the Housing Policy queue in Lagan.

18th September 2023 - Moray Council makes service pledge to housing tenants

Moray Council has reaffirmed its commitment to improving the quality and value of the services it provides for tenants through the signing of the annual assurance statement.

The full article can be viewed here.

14th September 2023 - Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy

A revised Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy has been agreed. This will change the amount that homeless households are charged for living in temporary accommodation. For new tenants the changes will take effect from Monday 18 September. Current tenants will get 28 days’ written notice of the changes which will take effect from Monday 16 October. Letters will be issued shortly. Information can be found on the website. Any enquires should be directed too the Housing – Supported Accommodation queue.

13th September 2023 - ASB eForm Script Change

A change has been made to the Anti-Social Behaviour eForm that affects both the Housing and Environmental Health script.

Under the location details of the incident there will now be a section with three boxes to add an optional grid or 'What3Words' reference. This pertains to the What3Words locating website. Customers are familiar with this application so if all advisors can ask the customer if they have a reference this can now be passed to the service via the eForm details. Please note this is only optional as some customers may not use this.

If there are any issues please contact your Senior in the first instance.

12th September 2023 - Housing & Property Script Change

Please note that upon request the Housing ID Match function has been added to the top line of the HouProp script. It should now show at the bottom of the first options.

If there are any issues please contact your Senior in the first instance.

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