
Understanding Parkinsons

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? - Support Staff working with individuals with Parkinson's.

COURSE OUTLINE - The learning programme is structured around SIX learning sessions. It is important to attend ALL SIX sessions to complete the course.

Participants will be given a guide to the programme, a workbook for five sessions, and a resource book to support their learning. At the end of the course, participants will complete an assessment.

Each workbook includes a range of exercises and activities, to encourage participants to play an active role in the learning process. The focus of the sessions will be to make sure participants understand how they can transfer what they learn, into their daily working life. Participant’s assessments are marked by Parkinson’s UK.

ESSENTIAL - The course comprises of six sessions in a block over six months. Participants MUST be able to attend ALL the dates in the block. In the event that a participant can attend all but one of the block sessions, then there may be provision to offer a one-to-one session, to enable that person to continue with the course.

LEARNING OUTCOMES - The purpose of this unit is to enable learners to gain a fundamental understanding of Parkinson’s, and its impact on the individual. This is a knowledge-only programme.

On completion of this unit, learners will be able to:

* Describe the common signs, symptoms and progression of Parkinson’s.
* Explain the common impact of Parkinson’s on the individual and others.
* Explain the processes, procedures, methods, techniques and services, used to manage Parkinson’s.
* Describe the issues, side effects and related procedures commonly associated with Parkinson’s medication.
* Describe a range of communication and cognitive challenges associated with Parkinson’s, their impact and ways to deal with them.

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) information.  2 Credit points, SCQF Level 6


Please note we may need to postpone this course should there be insufficient numbers to make it viable.

How to book this course (PDF)


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