
Social Work Training

There are lots of opportunities for developing and progressing your learning. We’ve a variety of internal courses and external opportunities. Find more information below and by using the menu to select a course.

Some of internal courses are suitable for external social work staff to attend. You should advise them to contact us to book a course.

Job shadowing

Job shadowing is where one person from one work area has the opportunity to work alongside and gain first hand experience of the role, functions and procedures of another work area. It also provides opportunities for guests to learn from more experienced procedures.

To enhance the range of continuous professional development/post registration training and learning opportunities we are keen promote the use of job shadowing across Education and Social Care.

It is anticipated that through observational job shadowing the guest (ie the person doing the shadowing) will be a visitor to the team and spend the shadowing period observing the day to day working of the host (the person being shadowed), where appropriate. The host will provide opportunities for debriefing to ensure both parties benefit from the shadowing period. The period of shadowing will be negotiated and agreed at the time of set up.

How job shadowing works (Word)

External conference/event attendance

Funding may be available from the training budget to allow staff members to attend external conferences or events. Download the request for funding form from the button below, complete and return to

Apply to attend a conference or event (Word)

Child Protection Partnership

Training information, booking forms and conditions are available from Childcare Protection Partnership’s website. They also have a training calendar which you can download.

Further qualifications

If you want to do further qualifications relevant to your post eg Practice Learning Qualification or Postgraduate course, you should complete the further qualifications funding form below.

Apply for funding (Word)

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