
Your responsibilities - pool cars

Before using a pool car OR your own car on business use

When using your own car on business use it is known as ‘Grey Fleet’, this term is used because the vehicle is essentially a fleet vehicle whilst being used for business purposes. All of the guidance and requirements associated with driving pool cars therefore apply to you and your own vehicle when used on council business.
Before driving a pool car or grey fleet vehicle it is your line manager’s responsibility to check and copy your licence and ensure that you have read and understand both the safe driving policy (Word) and the documents relating to pool car use: breakdown procedure (Word), accident procedure (Word), refuelling procedure (Word) and employee guide (Word).

Check pool car before use

Please perform vehicle checks (Word) before you use it and report any faults online. If you do not have PC access please ask your admin team to do this for you. If you require assistance please call 557 332. Please remember to complete the ‘Pool Car Fault and Damage Recording Book’ which is located in the glove box of the car; this book shows faults that have been previously reported.

Tidy up after yourself

The pool cars are for everyone so please take your rubbish, paperwork and other bits and pieces with you when you leave. The tidier the cars are kept, the less frequently we have to take them out of action to be cleaned.

If a pool car has been left in a mess with rubbish in the vehicle, please let us know and we can investigate who is not tidying up after themselves. If the interior or exterior of the car requires cleaning please use the fault reporting system and request that it is cleaned.

Leave us your phone number

Please leave a contact number on your booking so we can get in touch if you press the emergency button on the radio. Lots of people do this by accident and don’t even realise they’ve done it. If your pool car comes up as being stationary on the tracker, we have to assume that there has been an accident or emergency situation until we confirm otherwise.  

Driving licence checks

Because the paper counterpart is no longer valid an electronic system for checking licences is being piloted. This system will be phased in and everyone will be given plenty of notice and information nearer the time. At the moment, it is the duty of managers to check their staff’s driving licences online using the DVSA website.

Booking alterations/block booking

If you return a pool car early, or don’t need it any more there are instructions on steps to take on our pool car booking page.

If you feel that the system is being misused, such as block bookings or cars not being used efficiently please let your line manager know, they will then in turn report this to Fleet Services.

Requirement to complete a D906

If you are driving on Council business, whether it is in your own car, a hire car, a pool car or any other Council owned vehicle, you are required to complete a D906 form. This form provides DVLA with the authority to provide Moray Council with your driving licence information including medical conditions, convictions and expiry dates that may affect your ability to drive. If there are any driving implications imposed on your licence, the DVLA will then automatically alert Moray Council to this. Completing this form is a simple process that only takes a few minutes, but it is crucial that we do it to comply with the legal requirements and ensure that we’re all driving legally and responsibly. The process has already been in place for our commercial and pool car drivers for a number of years.

Please complete the form using the below guidance to support you:

  • Reference Number section - Input your payroll number
  • Moray Council section – leave blank and inform Fleet Services of your department when you send it to them
  • Complete the rest of the form appropriately using your own personal details
  • Print the form off and sign it using black ink (signatures must be handwritten)
  • Scan a copy of it and email it to, please include details of your department and line manager within the email. Alternatively you can post a copy of it, along with the additional information, internally to Fleet Services.

Please note that mistakes or amendments to the D906 form cannot be accepted.

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