
News - February 2023

28th February 2023 - Docking Stations - Update

28/02/2023 – ICT have information Andy that Docking Stations are to be installed at the CC during either the 28th of Feb or the 1st of March. 14 Docking stations have been delivered and will initially be installed on desks that are empty. Once desk plans and layouts has been sorted out these will be set up where we need them.

21/02/2023 - ICT are currently making preparations to roll out docking stations to offices to support hybrid working (does not include home working spaces). We don’t have any timescales or numbers available at the minute but docking stations should make working between home and offices easier as staff will ideally only have to transport laptops or if you’re with the CC laptops and headsets. Any further updates will be issued as appropriate.

28th February 2023 - RAF Reserves Recruiting Event

Good Afternoon,

You may have seen the posters and interchange banner (RAF Reserves Recruiting Display - interchange) advertising the upcoming RAF Reserves Recruiting Event on 1st March 2023 between 12noon and 2pm, in the annexe canteen/breakout area. If any member of staff would like to have a chat with some fabulous chaps from 2622 Squadron the event is open between 12pm and 2pm in the Annexe breakout area.

Kind Regards, Karen, Organisational Development Officer, Education, Communities and Organisational Development

24th February 2023 - One Minute Silence – 11am on February the 24th 2023

Following the announcement on the Council’s main staff interchange the Support Team will be ensuring that the Emergency flag is set shortly before 11am to ensure that any customers calling any of the CC lines will receive the following recorded message.

“Sorry but we are temporarily unavailable as we are currently observing a 1 minute silence in respect of the one year invasion of Ukraine.”

• Call handlers will not be required to go not ready or log off, however, please ensure that callers from approx. 10.50am are aware of the pending 2min silence so that you can advise that you will call them back if their call is likely to go beyond 10:55am.

• Reception please print and display the reception notice named “One Year Invasion of Ukraine” found on this link by selecting Advisors, Reception Notices then One Year invasion of Ukraine.

22nd February 2023 - No Access to OPEN-Revenues Today @ 16:00 - Access Restored

All users MUST sign out of all OPEN-Revenues-LIVE modules by 16:00.

Software loading onto Live is taking place to facilitate year-end bill production. Access to OPEN-Revenues will only be restored when it has been confirmed that the software has been loaded. All users will be informed when they can sign on to OPEN-Revenues again.

Access to D360 remains unaffected by this work. SWF and DHP online forms will be unavailable during this time.

Update 23/02/2023: Please note access to OPEN-Revenues has been restored and you are free to login. Any issues, raise through your senior in the first instance.

21st February 2023 - Annexe Interview Rooms Update

• Interview rooms 5 & 6 are to have docking stations installed allowing them to be used as workstations.

• All Interview room booking restrictions are to be removed giving services equal access to book them i.e. housing and MA won’t have sole use of specific interview rooms.

• Updates, as soon as we have a timescale for this works being completed (or when we hear it’s been completed) we’ll keep you updated.

17th February 2023 - Information HUBS at Libraries

Information HUBs were set up in Libraries to enable members of the public access to online services as well as a public use telephone with pre-programmed options, see link here

• Phase 1 – Elgin library completed September 2022

• Phase 2 – Aberlour, Buckie, Fochabers, Forres, Keith & Lossiemouth libraries now complete.

• Phase 3 – All other libraries including Cullen, Dufftown, Tomintoul & Burghead are currently being reviewed by library managers with a view to how they can provide this service in these libraries. Due to the smaller size of these facilities a date is not yet available for completion.

Note members of the public can hand in documents to all libraries and there are arrangements in place to enable library staff to email time sensitive documents to the corporate mailroom.

If you have any questions, please pass via your senior in the first instance.

9th February 2023 - End of Self Isolation Grants

Applications for the Self Isolation Grant ceased on 5th January 2023. There was a 28 period after this in which people who were eligible could apply. This has now passed, therefore no more applications must be taken and no more GCAH cases should be raised as all work has ceased.

Any issues, please raise with your Senior in the first instance.

3rd February 2023- Advisor Email Skillsets

Please be aware that from Monday 6th February you will only be able to see the email queues for your skillset. This will help with visibility of the skillset emails, particularly during peak periods.

Any issues, please raise with your Senior in the first instance.

3rd February 2023- VPN Issues (Cisco Any Connect)

There is a council wide issue with the VPN dropping out and people unable to connect to the network intermittently from home. ICT are investigating. In the Meantime, please persevere and continue to try and reconnect. You may need to close some programmes down and click on the cisco anyconnect world in the system tools to reconnect. If this does not working you may need to restart the Laptop.

Any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

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