
Employee Reviews

Employee Review and Development Process (ERDP)

The ERDP is a supporting mechanism to develop you, review performance to date, and broadly plan the work ahead.

By discussing, agreeing, doing and reviewing, an ERDP will:

  • help managers plan and allocate work, and develop their team
  • allow all employees to participate in planning their own work and development
  • allow all employees to offer ideas about how to improve our practices and services

The main areas discussed during your ERDP will be:

  1. Reviewing your progress on work to date
  2. Work plan - tasks or projects to be completed and any new objectives, prioritised
  3. Improvement, ideas and proposals - how can things be done better? How can better things get done?
  4. Training needs - what are yours and what is going to be done about them?
  5. Support needs - what else might help you do your job better and what is going to be done about them?
  6. Supervision - can your immediate supervisor help and guide you better?

Guidance notes (Word)  ERDP Form (Word)

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