Disclosure Scotland
New changes to applying for a PVG and viewing the results online
Disclosure Scotland’s Online Account service is now live, including applying for a PVG from our Moray Council account.
For counter signatories, this means that you’ll be able to apply for and view your PVG digitally using our Disclosure Scotland Online Account.
You’ll be able to view results of applications that either you or other staff at Moray Council have countersigned. Results are available to view for 14 days after they’ve first been viewed.
Disclosure Scotland will send you an email when results are available to view for applications you’ve countersigned. You will no longer receive paper certificates.
You can view your applications and results for all countersigned PVG applications through the Moray Council’s Disclosure Scotland account and Disclosure Scotland will continue to add more features in the future, such as managing your details or receiving notifications.
To access your results, you will need a ScotAccount and sign in using two-factor authentication to verify your identity.
This helps keep information secure. All counter signatories must also have an individual email address registered with Disclosure Scotland to benefit from online results.
Shared or generic email addresses (pvg@disclosure.co.uk) cannot be used for security purposes. If you continue to use a shared or generic email address, you will not be able to use the Online Results service.
You can change your registered email address by contacting the registration team at: DSAPREGISTRATION@disclosurescotland.gov.scot
All applicants must now create their Disclosure Scotland account using ScotAccount. The applicant must sign in and verify their identity to complete and submit their PVG application.
PVG payment refunds
If an applicant was unable to complete and submit existing PVG applications using the old PVG mygov.scot website application link by the 18 November, they will have to apply again. If the PVG disclosure has already been paid, Disclosure Scotland will refund the cost back to the credit card. There is no need to contact Disclosure Scotland for a refund.
Further information
If you have any questions regarding the switch to Online Results and applying for a PVG using the Disclosure Scotland online account, then please contact them by email at: response@disclosurescotland.gov.scot or contact our helpline on 0300 020 0040.
Information on Disclosure Scotland PVG training sessions can be found HERE and an eLearning module is currently under development and will be available on CLIVE soon.