
Disclosure Scotland PVG Training Sessions

Date Course Title Provider Outline Link Target Audience
Get Ready for the Disclosure Act Disclosure Scotland

Our Get Ready for Disclosure Act webinar is an interactive session which covers:

  • what has already changed
  • what is changing in the future
  • when will these changes happen
  • what you can do to prepare
  • how you will be supported
Disclosure Scotland Events - 23 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite All managers
Counter Signatories
28-Jan-25 PVG Duty to Refer Disclosure Scotland

Our PVG Duty to Refer webinar is an interactive session and covers:

  • your PVG referral obligations and how they relate to a safer Scotland
  • what conduct meets the criteria for a referral to Disclosure Scotland
  • how to make a referral to Disclosure Scotland
  • what happens with the information you provide
Disclosure Scotland Events - 23 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite All managers
Counter Signatories
Available Now Disclosure Scotland - getting ready for online accounts CLIVE

This learning byte will take you through the changes that have taken place when it comes to apply for a PVG check, how this information is accessed, and what counter signatories need to do.

CLIVE All staff requiring a PVG check Counter Signatories



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