
News - January 2024

29th January 2024 - Schedulers Today - UPDATE

Just to let you all know Steven Stewart is back to work today and will be in the Tyock Office.

Update: Due to ICT issues this morning, Steven Stewart rota for week commencing 29 January 2024 as follows:

Monday – WFH
Tuesday –Tyock
Wednesday – WFH
Thursday – HQ am/Tyock pm
Friday - NWD

25th January 2024 - Scheduler Update

Please be advised Alison (Gas Schduler) is working from home today - please contact Alison on 07967748835

24th January 2024 - Housing Live Maintenance 12 noon - UPDATED

UPDATE 13:20: Access can now be regained.

Following recent maintance to the Housing NEC system, we have been advised a patch will be implemented to fix a remaining issue. The patch will be applied to the Live system on Wednesday 24 January at 12 noon when all users must be logged off of the system. It is estimated that the process will take less than 2 hours. This may affect other Housing systems such as iWorld.

Please ensure that you are logged out of the system before 12 noon. If anyone is logged in when the work starts their session will be terminated. Please be aware that if your session is terminated you may lose what you were working on at the time.
25th January 2024 - DLO Scheduler Absence

Please be advised Steven (scheduler for plumbing and electrical) at DLO is not available. In his absence the DLO have advised any other scheduler may be contacted on 01343 829000.

23rd January 2024 - Housing Services Report Jan-Dec 2023

Following the return of quarterly Housing Service meetings between Customer Services and Housing Services managers towards the end of 2023, stats are now being provided to Housing Service Managers on a regular basis to show the volume of work being handled by all areas of Customer Services.

Please click Housing Service Reports to view the monthly stats shared to Housing for the period January to December 2023. If anyone has any questions regarding the information on this report, please feel free to contact me directly by Email.

Kindest regards

Donna / CS Team Leader

8th January 2024 - Decoration Voucher Procedure

Housing have confirmed that in relation to Decoration Vouchers, following on from the works being done that customers would receive a pro forma in the post and once this has been returned and processed they will then receive a BACS payment.

Housing rarely send cheques and the only time this will be done is when there is an issue with the tenant and the proforma etc.

Any issues please pass via your Senior.

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