
News - January 2024

24th January 2024 – Storm Jocelyn Updates

Please see here for Storm Jocelyn updates.

17th January 2024 – Moray Council's Find My Nearest Page - Update

Following on from a query I raised to ICT re-when the Find My Nearest page (top left of the Council’s main landing page) will be available again as it’s been down for maintenance for some time.

ICT have advised that there is no timescale for this being available again, the main issues affecting this is linked to funding as changes to Google T&C’s mean that Google no longer allow businesses to use Google Maps free of charge.

Donna / Customer Service Team Leader

17th January 2024 – NEC to be added to the national Tell Us Once list of MC services from February 2024

Following discussion with Democratic Services manager Tracey Sutherland, NEC cards are due to be added to Moray Council’s list of Tell Us Once services. Unfortunately I can’t give a specific date as the TUO list is managed and maintained for Local Authorities by HM Government but it expected to be added from February 2024.

What does this mean, once NEC’s have been added to the national TUO list of Moray Council, this will allow the TUO service to Emails a list of notifications of death for Moray residents directly to us at rather than us having to get the Mailroom to pass them on.

Who’s responsible for handling TUO Emails, this will be the seniors and they will arrange for any necessary Lagan & NEC records found to be updated.

Where can I find information about the TUO service in Moray? Scroll to the bottom of this link Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages - Moray Council? Please note these pages are in the process of being updated over the coming weeks/months as several Moray services are being added to the national HB Government list e.g. Assisted Bin Collections.

If anyone has any questions, please contact the senior mailbox in the first instance.

Kindest regards
Donna / CS Team Leader

16th January 2024 – Pay360 Call Secure and Touch Tone Unavailable - RESOLVED

Please be advised Pay360 are currently encountering issues with the telehpony payment services - Touch Tone and Call Secure. Access Paysuite engineers are currently investigating this. We will update this post when we have more information.

In the meantime please advise customers to call back either later this afternoon or tomorrow to re-arrange payments.

RESOLVED: Please note this issue has now been fixed and access to Pay360 is resolved. If you have any issues please pass via your Senior.

15th January 2024 – Senior Rota Update

Lynne and I have reviewed the current senior advisor role and processes and following on from a discussion with Donna we have amended a couple of things. The senior rota spreadsheet will be getting removed so you won’t need to go looking for who is on rota and from now if you have any enquiries if you can please send an email to with a brief description then we will get back to you, if the enquiry is urgent then please put URGENT in the subject.

If for any reason you do not have access to emails then you can send a teams message instead but please include both Lynne Reid and myself so that we can assist and respond. We have reviewed this to ensure that you have more support when needed. Any queries just give us a call.

Also Lynne and I will be picking up and dealing with any voicemails so you do not need to worry about picking them up. Should we need to assign them to anyone we will let you know, if you have any queries regarding this then just pop us an email to the seniors.

11th January 2024 –Default Calls Review - Update

Just a little update to confirm that I am still working with Andy & Emma to identify the best solution going forward for how we handle the default calls situation. I would like to say that it’s as simple as just increasing the default waiting time but as that needs ICT’s input we’re currently reviewing what could be done ourselves to address this. As soon as an update is available this will be shared on the HUB, thank you for your patience.

Kindest regards

Donna / CS Team Leader

11th January 2024 – Reporting duplicate individual/organisations on Lagan & adding customers to Lagan

If you spot an individual/organisation on Lagan which has multiple entries please report these to the seniors mailbox. Please be assured that you will not be getting anyone into trouble for creating duplicate entries we simply want to try to clear them to avoid confusion going forward.

When it comes to adding individuals/organisations on Lagan please remember that less is more and unlike individuals, you DO NOT need to add an identifying address on Lagan to an organistation e.g. we only need one TESCO (I’ve arranged for the seniors to merge 6 records into 1 called TESCO).

Final word, please remember that we should only ever set customers that are on Lagan in full UPPER CASE but I appreciate that when a customer signs up to use MyAccount for Moray Council they’re added to Lagan with a mix of Upper & Lower Case e.g. Mrs Jane Smith, 1 High Street, Elgin. In those instances, you should change the customer’s name and address into all UPPER CASE (organisations can’t use myaccount).

Any questions as always, please just drop an Email to the seniors mailbox.

Kindest regards

Donna / CS Team Leader

11th January 2024 – Email delay - RESOLVED

Please be advised there is a delay with emails, both in Outlook and Lagan. ICT are aware and are investigating. We will provide an update in due course.

10th January 2024 - Update re-priorities for handling Lagan

Following on from my earlier post “Important information re-Lagan Emails & how to handle customer complaints re call/email response times” on the HUB General News page, I wanted to keep you updated on a new process agreed with the seniors yesterday to allow us to target new urgent/emergency Emails received.

As discussed with seniors yesterday (09/01/24) with immediate effect, seniors will be regularly monitoring new Emails throughout the day to ensure any received that may require priority handling are pulled out and actioned without delay. Advisors should continue to work based on the guidance issued on the above earlier post (date order with the oldest first).

Hopefully by doing this it will allow us to keep one step ahead of the game with the added bonus of allowing us to ensure that where staff are sending Emails to the wrong place e.g. Lagan instead of the Support Team that these are pulled out and the service staff asked to contact the Support Team.

As always, I will be continuing to work with Andy & Emma to review workloads and priorities for the CC & Reception as we move forward and will ensure that the General News pages are kept updated as and when required.

Kindest regards

Donna 

9th January 2024 - Urgent Invoice Queries

Following on from a number of calls today, it’s been brought to my attention that there has been some confusion over where invoice enquiries are passed to when a customer calls regarding an invoice received.

If a customer wants to query an invoice issued by the Council, we need to ask them who issued the invoice as there are 2 different issuers within Moray Council, they are:


•Community Care Finance

The switchboard spreadsheet that pops up through the SB script does have information relating to Community Care with a contact number for Invoices but to avoid confusion a section has been added under “I” for Invoices which contains the 2 different service numbers for transferring calls.

Please note that this does not affect customer Services taking Invoice payments we can take all of these as they should all begin with the number 88 (if it’s a reminder you will generally have to add 88 to the beginning of the reference the customer provides).

Any questions as always should be directed to seniors in the first instance.

Kindest regards

Donna / CS Team Leader

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