
News - September 2023

19th September 2023 - Update on phased return to Forres Academy w/c 18 September 2023

The following message has been issued to Parents/Carers of Forres Academy pupils this afternoon.

As an update to our previous communication, and following queries from Parents/Carers and staff, we have taken the decision to close the school on Tuesday 19 September to pupils. This will allow us to meet with staff and the Parent Council to provided reassurances that the ground floor is safe for use.

We also extend an invitation to any Parent/Carers to attend an information session at Forres Town Hall on Wednesday 20 September at 7.30pm where Council teams from Education, Property and the Learning Estate will be on hand to answer any questions.

The new phase one plan is for:

Wednesday - ASN Pupils and S4-S6
Thursday - ASN Pupils and S1-S3
Friday - All pupils

Kind regards
Vivienne Cross, Head of Education (Chief Education Officer)

19th September 2023 - Strike action impact on Moray schools

Moray Council has set out the expected impact on schools following notification from UNISON, one of the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) trade unions, of discontinuous strike action on 26-28 September.

This action affects Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) staff, support staff and other key staff groups i.e. janitors, cleaning, catering, bus escorts and administrative staff who have vital roles to allow schools to operate.

Please find the full article here for info.

18th September 2023 - Moray Council releases temporary plans for Forres Academy

Moray Council has released its plans to parents and pupils at Forres Academy for the continuation of learning until the October holidays.

A full picture of the situation to date and what the next few weeks will look like with parents and pupils has been shared. The frequently asked questions accompanied a letter to parents informing them that the school remains closed to pupils on Monday 18 September and will be used to continue preparing the school for partial re-opening on Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 September. A final decision will be made about 100% return for the rest of the week once the partial reopening has been assessed, the school will let parents know arrangements next week.

Please find the full article here for info.

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