
Workstream Theme - People

Flexible Working Policy


Office principles/etiquette

In order to experience a pleasant working environment it is up to us all to keep our work areas and break out areas clean and tidy and be mindful of our colleagues.

Clear desk guide

Communicating in a hybrid workplace

Managing your mail box – some guidance to assist

Office Etiquette

Virtual Meeting Etiquette for Attendees

Virtual Meeting Etiquette for Organisers


Fostering culture of wellbeing

Team communication – tips and tools

  • Set your team up in microsoft teams, and then use chat function so that everyone can see throughout the day any queries from team members or for sharing snippets of information that everyone needs to know.
  • Informal communication can be a challenge to maintain when people are not face to face.
  • Some suggestions from the manager workshops were:-
    • Weekly tea break –set time each week for informal catch up (no agenda)
    • Pay day lunch – everyone goes out somewhere – or picnic in a park if it is good weather
  • If you have suggestions please share – email the Smarter Working Delivery Group

Individual wellbeing – tips and tools are found under Health and Wellbeing Guidance

Managing work/life balance

Mind-wellness action plan for hybrid working

Your health and working from home – Top 10 Tips


Managing Hybrid Teams

Hybrid Working Guidance - Good Practice Guide

Tips for Managing conversations about mental health and wellbeing

New Managers Induction Checklist (if you have been promoted into a manager role or are recruited as a new manager)

Hybrid Home Working Guidance

Managing Remote Teams

Cultural Toolkit

Induction checklist

Manager Checklist for hybrid working.

Workload management template

Agreed Design Principles

DSE workstation assessment

DSE Workstation Self-Assessment Checklist

Microsoft Teams – Guidance and Training

Did you know?

It is good practice to update your status to inform colleagues where you are located – just click on your initials in Microsoft teams, and click “set status” and update accordingly.

You can also change your availability here as well.

For more information regarding Microsoft Teams, training is available via Clive

Link to notes on how to navigate to Microsoft Teams training in Clive

There will be additional training developed as applications are rolled out as part of the Office 365 project.

The Office 365 including Microsoft teams project page provides further information

Training / Support

eLearning: Link to Clive

Module Title Category

 Module Title
 Moray: Managing Remote Workers
Courses for Managers
 Moray: Microsoft Teams
IT Skills 
 IT Security
IT Skills
 DSE Awareness
 Moray: Data Protection (Incl. GDPR)
 Data Protection Refresher
 Managing Effective Meetings
 Coaching and Mentoring
 Questioning and Listening
 Time Management


Please visit the corporate training calendar for a list of scheduled workshops. Click here to begin.

TED Talks:

TED Talk on hybrid working 4 minutes:         

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