
Manager workshops and engagement

Manager workshops were held between February and March 2023 for the HQ campus based staff and others were held for out of Elgin based staff in May 2023.  The information provided below was issued for managers to engaged with teams to determine how the team would deliver services in a sustainable way, where people would work from and how the team would function and communicate effectively.

This information formed the basis of the service requirements which were submitted to Heads of Service for review and then passed to the Smarter Working Delivery Group.

The Group then reviewed requirements to determine how best to meet service needs and make efficient and effective use of available office accommodation.  Following discussion with Heads of Service and CMT the schedule of moves was determined and implemented during September 2023.

The documents below are still relevant as they provide the principles that underpin the way we work.

Manager Engagement Workshops

Smarter Working standards and principles

Flexible Working

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