
News - January 2023

17th January 2023 - Cairngorm National Park Election 2023

A short note to advise call handlers and other colleagues that support elections, that the Cairngorm National Park Authority elections commence tomorrow. Our involvement in Moray is relatively minimal, however I must still advise you of process for your information.

An area of Glenlivet / Tomintoul is part of the Ward 4 of the Cairngorm National Park Authority and community members are elected to serve as part of the board. The Notice of election will be published tomorrow and candidate nominations will on Thursday. More information about the election can be found here.

Candidates may phone for an appointment with the Depute Returning Officer, Moira Patrick or to request a nomination pack. I ask that a Lagan call is logged as normal under Elections and a member of the elections team will ring the candidate back to arrange.

This election was not contested in our area 2019, but has done previously. Should it be contested and there is an all postal ballot, we will advise further in due course, as postal votes will be issued.

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