
News - September 2023

13th September 2023 – SWF Script Update

Please note that the SWF script will no longer include the extension numbers to transfer to the Awards Team as these are no longer in use.

Any enquiries should now go directly to per the script guidance.

Of course if there are any issues please raise via your Senior in the first instance.

12th September 2023 – Direct Debit Disruption Social Media News Item 11/09/2023
4th September 2023 – Taxation (Ctax & NDR) Recovery September 2023

Taxation Manager James Tylor advised on Friday the 4th September that as a result of the ongoing fall out from the recent few weeks with high volumes of Email enquiries remaining for Ctax, NRD & Revenues, there will be no recovery runs in the month of September. I’d like to take the opportunity to remind you all that I appreciate that we’re all doing what we can to reduce the Email volumes and contrary to what you may feel we are getting through the work. However, this will take time and staff are all reminded that you can only do one enquiry at a time with inbound calls the main priority. A number of staff across Customer Services including seniors are pitching in where possible as this is a team effort. If anyone has any concerns at all please do not hesitate to drop me an Email so that I can arrange to give you a call for a chat

Donna, CS Team Leader

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