
News - May 2023

22nd May 2023 - Non Urgent/Emergency Support Requests

Following a request from revenues please can advisors raise support forms for non-urgent/emergency support requests. Urgent/Emergency requests could be done as an exception for example if the customer is extremely unhappy and just will not accept that the service will call them back at a later time.

Please note that the Support forms are cleared frequently to ensure they’re passed to the appropriate processing queues as quickly as possible so there should be no concerns that Support forms are not looked considered regularly although please be aware that once the work item is moved to a queue it will then be actioned in date received order depending on queue priority which Customer Services have no control over.

Revenues have advised that staff from Ctax/NDR teams will ask for a Support form to be raised if they receive calls regarding non-urgent call.

15th May 2023 - Allpay Transaction Error Issue - Update 19/05/2023

There is an issue with Allpay (Paypoint and Post Office transactions) on their side and this may affect customers making payments via this route today.

We will be updated as soon as Banking receive the files from Allpay.

Update 19/05/2023: ICT have confirmed the missing files from Monday and Tuesday have now been processed and all payments should be showing against accounts today.

11th May 2023 - FSM Payments - Update 12/05/2023

The Scottish Government funding commitment for FSM payments only extends to the Easter 2023 holidays, so the current payment schedule does not go beyond that point. A letter has been received by the service regarding funding but as this may need to report to committee before taking any further action.

With regard to clothing grants, there is no payment timetable available for sharing as they are awarded from May onwards until the beginning of new term, assessed on a case by case basis to ensure claimants still qualify.

The new FSM payment schedule with Customer Services once it is updated.

Update 12/05/2023: The timetable has been shared with us for advisor reference. Please see here.

11th May 2023 - CCDava Password Update

Please note the password for accessing SWF via OpenRevs has now changed, see login details below.

Username: CCDAVA
Password: 2023ccdava

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