
News - July 2023

26th July 2023 – Council Tax Warrants

We completed a Council Tax warrant for 2023/24 debts on Monday and the following amounts were passed on.

310 accounts to Scott & Co

124 accounts to CFH for an Attachment of Benefit Letter

The letters from Scotts and the AoB letters from CFH were all dispatched yesterday (25/07/23).

24th July 2023 – Council Tax Online Payments

Taxation Support has advised that the issue which prevented the load of new Council Tax accounts and balances to online payment channels has now been resolved by ICT. All Council Tax payers should now be able to make payment by these channels.

24th July 2023 – Open Revenues Warning Message

Taxation Support has advised that they are aware of the warning message “Your access to the OPENRevenues system will cease in 6 day(s). Please contact Civica for a new license key if required”. They will contact with Civica to make the necessary arrangements for a new license key and update the system.

17th July 2023 – Cash Posting - Update 19/07/2023

Taxation Support has advised that there was no cash posting for Council Tax, Non Domestic Rates or Sundry Debtors this morning. The files on Saturday and Sunday morning went as normal but there were no Capita files received this morning. ICT are investigating..

Update 19/07: Please be advised all missing payments have been allocated to their respective Council Tax, NDR and Sundry Debtors accounts this morning.

12th July 2023 - Council Tax Recovery

Revenues have advised on Monday they passed 380 Council Tax 1st Reminders and 101 Council Tax 2nd Reminder to CFH for dispatch which were sent yesterday. Letters have been dated 13/07/23. They are all for 2023/24 debts.

3rd July 2023 – Council Tax July Recovery

We will be running 1st and 2nd council tax reminders next Monday 10th July. Approx numbers will be confirmed nearer the time.

We will also be producing a council tax warrant next Monday 10th July. Once signed (whenever this is done by the Sheriff), we will generate council tax warrant letters for you to produce – again numbers to follow.

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