
News - January 2023

20th January 2023 - NDR Changes to 2023

Please be advised there is a new landing page where all changes to NDR for 2023 will be shown.

Moray Council NDR 2023

Nothing has been agreed yet as we have not had confirmation from Scottish Government. The details currently shown are proposals and the page will be updated as soon as we have further details.

19th January 2023 - OPEN-Revenues Access - COMPLETED 20/01/23

To facilitate the loading of the latest OPEN-Revenues software releases in to OR-LIVE, it will be necessary shut down access to all OPEN-Revenues modules @ 16:00 on Friday 20 January. SWF and DHP online forms will be unavailable when these release are being loaded.

All users MUST sign out of all OPEN-Revenues modules by 16:00 on 20 January.

Access to OPEN-Revenues will only be restored when it has been confirmed that the released have been loaded. All users will be informed when they can sign on to OPEN-Revenues again.

Access to W360 remains unaffected by this work.

Update 20/01/23: Please note that OPEN-Revenues has been upgraded to 22.04.01. Users can access and use it again.

18th January 2023 - Council Tax Bill Inhibits – Process Update

Jacki (Taxation Processing Supervisor) has asked me to let you know that they’ve reduced the maximum bill inhibit period from 6 to 3 months and the processors have been reminded to remove any inhibits no longer required.

Should an Advisor, come across an account that still has an inhibit in place that you think should have been removed/can be removed, please raise a support form on W2 asking for the inhibit to be reviewed (or words to that effect) with any other relevant information. Any questions, please contact the Seniors in the first instance.

Kindest regards, Donna

9th January 2023 - Council Tax Final Notice Letters

Please be advised that there is estimated to be over 1000 final notice letters distributed out to customers this week, along with some NDR reminders. This is currently with CFH for in order to arrange printing and posting with an issue date likely to come tomorrow.

Update 09/01/2023 16:15 - Please see totals for Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates mailings below.

Council Tax Final Notices

- Current Year 2476

- Previous Years (2013-2021) 94

Non Domestic Rates (all current year)

- 73 First Reminders

- 6 Second Reminders

Update 11/01/2023: I can confirm CFH dispatched the recovery notices to the Post Office yesterday. They are dated 12th January 2023.

5th January 2023 - Online Council Tax Account Balance Issues- Resolved

Please be advised that Payments are aware of an issue with the online payment system not loading Council Tax account balances. This has been identified as an uploading issue and has been raised to ICT with urgency.

Further updates will be posted here as and when we have more information.

Update 10/01/2023: Please note that ICT have now resolved this issue. If you have any further issues please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

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