
News - February 2023

28th February 2023 - ukG Energy Support scheme

Please see here for the details of the ukG’s scheme to assist those not already receiving support for their energy bills via their energy supplier.

There are a number groups which qualify for this payment, and these are detailed on the press release.

Although revenues will be dealing with making the payment, the scheme is being administered by ukG and all applications must be made via the GOV.UK site (which is detailed in the press release). The LA has no role to play in accepting or validating the initial applications.

Please read over the link above to be aware of the scheme and please direct all potential applicants to the GOV.UK site.

24th February 2023 - CCDAVA user Password

The password for the ccdava user has been updated and is included in the script.

If you have any questions, please pass via your senior in the first instance.

23rd February 2023 - Ukraine Exemption for CTax

Please note the current advice for customers enquiring about Ukraine Exemption for Council Tax is to raise a support request to the team and they will evaluate this on an case by case basis.

Any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

22nd February 2023 - Help with Energy Bills – For those using alternate fuels for heating and for those that live in a park, mobile or care home or off the electricity grid

There will be a soft launch on Monday 20th Feb with a full launch on Mon 27th Feb and the scheme will run until 31st May 23.

There are two schemes:

1. Where £400 can be allocated – those that live in a park, mobile or care home or off the electricity grid

2. Where £200 can be allocated – alternate fuels

These schemes can only be applied for through the Gov.UK site once the application process is made live. We cannot complete an application on behalf of anyone.

Once applied for the application is managed by an external company who will then send information to the Taxation team to complete checks and make payment where appropriate. IF the application is unsuccessful an email with direct them back to the Gov.UK website and the externa/l company.

Any queries or for more information please refer callers or emails to the Gov.Uk website.

Links to the appropriate Gov.Uk pages are below.

16th February 2023 - FSM Payment Schedule

We have received the most up to date timetable for FSM payments, you can view this here.

Please note there are no more bridging payments and this is for FSM payments only.

Any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

8th February 2023 - Council Tax Attachment Of Benefit Letters

CFH have confirmed they have released the 100 Council Tax Attachment of Benefit letters to the Post Office today. They are dated 10th February 2023.

Scott and Co will be issuing letters today to 475 Council Tax accounts with 2022-23 debts.

8th February 2023 - Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates Final Notices

We have had confirmation that the above recovery documentation was issued to the Post Office yesterday. It is dated 10th February 2023. The quantities are detailed below.

Council Tax

Current Year - 217

Previous Years (2013-2021) - 33

Non Domestic Rates

Current Year - 144

Previous Years (2013-2021) - 74

3rd February 2023 - Changes to NDR Empty Property Relief from 1st April 2023

Moray Council’s Corporate Committee agreed on 31st January 2023 a local policy on empty property relief. This will be effective from 1st April 2023.

The award of empty property relief will replicate the same criteria as in previous years with the exception of relief awarded to Shooting Rights. The local policy makes no provision for empty property relief for Shooting Rights from 1st April 2023. This local policy will be effective from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 but will be reviewed for 2024/2025.

A letter has been issued to the ratepayers who currently receive empty property relief for Shooting Rights advising them of the change. The contents of this letter are shown below for your information. A copy of this letter will also be scanned to the relevant accounts (approx. 70 cases) on D360 (W2) for reference. Should any queries arise from these letters please direct the ratepayers to the website in the first instance or raise a query with NDR in the usual manner.

Contents of Letter

Scottish Government has from 1 April 2023 devolved responsibility for the formulation of policy governing the administration of Empty Property Relief for vacant non-domestic properties to individual local authorities. It is the responsibility of each individual local authority to put in place a policy for properties within its area.

Moray Council's Corporate Committee considered on 31 January 2023 a report which proposed a local Empty Property Relief policy. The committee implemented this report therefore the agreed local policy is to take effect from 1st April 2023. This local policy makes no provision for empty property relief for Shooting Rights. Should you wish to view this report please visit where you can download a copy.

As your property has benefited from this relief in the past, I write to advise you that no award of empty property relief will be granted from 1st April 2023.

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