
News - September 2023

19th September 2023 - Information HUB Review Group Update

As we’re all aware the Staff Information HUB has been operational for some time. Emma C and I with the help of ICT have done a lot of work to get it to where it is today. However, we’re aware that it needs involvement from staff to shape and develop it as we move forward and I want to assure all staff that it’s still our intention to create an Information HUB review group consisting of staff across Customer Services, ideally over the next 6 months.

In the meantime, I thought that it would be beneficial for staff to know of the timescales the Support Team work to for adding items to the HUB, especially news Items:

     • Urgent/Emergency issues - added by Support ASAP 
     • Non-urgent/emergency issues - added by Support within 24 hours of the request

It’s worth noting that the Support Team can only add items they’ve been made aware of so if you see it on the Council Social Media channels (Facebook, X (formally twitter), Instagram) but don’t see it on the HUB this is most likely down to the fact that a service hasn’t informed the Support Team. As of 12/09/2023, PR have added the Support Team into their internal MC distribution list for Press Releases, an example of staff included in this distribution list are MC Councillors.

Although we’ll always try our best to issue a Teams message to affected staff on line on that day to make them aware of the urgent/emergency news item on the HUB, unfortunately this isn’t always possible. Whilst I appreciate how frustrating it may seem, staff are encouraged to check in and refresh their HUB pages regularly through our working days (yes me included).

Finally, staff returning from leave should always make the Information HUB our first port of call as it should contain the most recent information and updates that we will need to be aware of.

Kindest regards
Donna / Customer Service Team Leader

18th September 2023 – Essential Maintenance to Online Services

To allow for essential maintenance, please note that online services will be unavailable between 17:00 Friday 22nd September and 12:00 Saturday 23rd September.

14th September 2023 – Further Forres Academy RAAC update.

Moray Council has provided parents with a further update on the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) situation in the school as pupils move to remote learning for the rest of this week.

Due to receiving new information on the RAAC at Forres Academy from our Structural Engineer contractor, the status of the level of risk has been updated. There is no indication of deterioration to the RAAC panels within the school and the change of level has been dictated by a change of advice and guidance received from the contractors. Pupils will move to remote learning on Thursday and Friday this week to allow staff to prepare to implement contingency plans. A full update will be provided on Friday to inform parents and pupils of those plans.

Any questions from customers regarding this for the Academy or any other school should be advised to contact the schools directly.

12th September 2023 – Flexi Sheets Information

It’s been brought to my attention that a number of Flexi sheets appear to be showing as completed. Please note this isn’t a technical issue. Instead what will have happened is that when ICT have added new recording sheets (that’s their job not Supports) they’ll have copied old sheets that were completed rather than a new blank one. As a result the old sheets will have new dates but old times shown.

All affected sheets have now been updated & I would remind everyone that you should only complete Flexi sheets for up to and including the day that we are on rather than in advance unless you are adding A/L days to the Flexi period we are in.

Kindest regards, Donna

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