
News - November 2023

14th November 2023 - Main Libraries Closed 27/11/2023

David Hayden, Principal Librarian (responsible for all Moray Council libraries) has informed us that the following libraries will be closed to the public on Monday the 27th of November 2023 for their annual training/development day:

• Aberlour
• Buckie
• Elgin
• Forres
• Keith
• Tomintoul

David has confirmed that this training day isn’t held on the same day each year, in 2022 it was held in May prior to the opening of the public Information HUB’s in September 2022 which is the reason Customer Services have not been made aware of the closure day in previous years.

Moray Council’s Library & Information Services social media accounts and web pages (Libraries, Learning Centres & Heritage - Moray Council) will display the closure information in advance. Information HUB’s will also display alternative contact information in advance taken from here Contact Us - Moray Council. I have asked to get information on the posts/messaging that will be issued but can’t garuntee that it will be received before it’s made public.

My initial thoughts were that this closure would see an increase of calls/Emails to Customer Services but on reflection I’m not so sure. The reasoning for this being that if a member of the public visits an Information HUB for assistance they’ll more than likely be directed to one of the public use phones or PC’s so the CC would more than likely get the enquiry anyway. If anything all that’s likely to happen is that we see an increase in customers calling or emailing from their own personal devices rather than Moray Council ones.

Final word, please be assured that call & Email volumes received on this date will be monitored to allow us to consider the impact of the closure.

Kindest regards
Donna / CS Team Leader

9th November 2023 - 2 Minute Silence Action for CC & Reception

Following the news page item on the Council’s staff Interchange page re-the Remembrance Day 2 Minute Silence, please see the following guidance for staff awareness/action.

If there are any questions or concerns please report to Senior’s in the first instance

Kindest regards

Donna / Customer Service Team Leader


  • • 10:58 Team Leader to install emergency 2 minute silence messaging for customers 
  • • Advisors/Seniors DO NOT need to log out/go not ready during this time 
  • • 11:02 Team Leader to remove emergency closure messaging 
  • • 11:02 – 11:03 calls will automatically start filtering back to Advisors/Seniors

Note – in the event of technical gremlins offering live calls between 11:00 & 11:02, staff are asked to reject the call & Email Senior mailbox with the time the call was offered and which line it was for.



  • • Reception staff to print 3 copies of the following notice


  • • 08:45 - notices to be displayed at the 2 phone booths and reception 
  • • 10:55 to 11:05 - Public use phones out of service 
  • • 11:05 – Public use phones available again but make customers aware lines may be busy
8th November 2023 - CC & Reception Staff how to report issues

Please click on this link to view the process for CC & Reception staff reporting issues.

Kindest regards, Donna.

2nd November 2023 - Blue Badge Applications

Please see attached document.

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