
News - May 2023

30th May 2023 - New Complaints Eform

As staff are currently aware, formal complaints to currently come into Customer Services so that we can raised Lagan cases to the appropriate services for action Complaints - Moray Council.

In a bid to improve the level of detail provided by Customers and bring the Complaints process into line with other online areas, myself, Emma & Andy have been working with MC’s Complaints Officer (John Black) & members of ICT to create an Eform for customers to complete.

Initially the only difference Advisors will see is how the Complaint is presented to you as the complaint will still come into Customer Services as an Email via for us to raise a Lagan case to the appropriate Complaints queue. However, after a trial period which will allow Customer Services to work with John & ICT to make any changes required to the Eform, all being well, ICT will be able to automate this process so that when the customer hits submit their Eform will raise a case directly to the appropriate Lagan Complaints queue effectively bypassing Customer Services.

It’s possible that the Eform will go live from as early as 05/06/2023 with the trial period set to last for 12 weeks. Advisors will be actively required to provide feedback to good or bad as your feedback will help to ensure this process is as customer friendly as possible.

As soon as I have a go live date for the Eform I’ll let you know.

Kindest regards
Customer Service Team Leader

23rd May 2023 - Interchange Customer Services Staff Information Post

Following discussion between Customer Services & ICT the following news item has been added to the staff Interchange and will be added to the banner at the top of the page:
News page link -

19th May 2023 - Staffing Updates


Following successful interviews we have 2 new people starting on Reception week commencing 29th May 2023. They are:
• Christina Shoard who will be working Monday to Wednesday 8.45am to 1.15pm.
• Julia Bedford who will be working Thursday and Friday 8.45am to 5pm.

Also at Reception as of week commencing 5th June 2023:
• Jacquline Reid’s working hours will now be Monday to Wednesday 1pm to 5pm

Contact Centre:
• Sharon Grant will be leaving us on 7th June 2023 to further her education.
• Ros Fraser is retiring with her last working day with us being 3rd August 2023.

15th May 2023 - Lagan Server Maintenance @ 5pm

Please note that the Lagan report server will be unavailable for a short while tonight from 17:00 whilst the server is restated.

The is also some maintenance work required, which will be carried out later on this week once some replacement parts have arrived. The server could be down for up to an hour whilst this work is carried out.

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