
News - January 2023

25th January 2023- Xerox Printer - Contact Centre

The printer in the Contact Centre is faulty and has been reported to the Print Room. An engineer has been requested to come out and look at it but this may take some time.

In the meantime, the closest printer to the Contact Centre is located next door in the breakout room 307b.

Any questions, please pass via your senior in the first instance.

20th January 2023 - Scheduled Power Cut after 17:00 on 20/01/2023 – first floor of HQ
>Interchange - for any of you who saw this news team earlier today, it originally advised that the 2nd floor of HQ would be affected - this item was wrong and has now been updated to say the first floor.

Although we are not anticipating any issues from this, we have taken the precautionary measure and arranged for ICT to switch off the ID card pc in the CC and the Support Team will checking phone lines as normal first thing on Monday morning, reporting any issues to ICT if required.

Advisors, if you experience any issues on Monday morning, please contact the Seniors, for everyone else, please contact your Team Leader.

13th January 2023 - URGENT SPAM ICT Email - Update 10:25

ICT are aware of a spam email that has been circulated to the majority of Council staff. They are investigating this as a matter of priority.

If you receive an email, please ignore it, delete the message, and then delete it from your deleted folder.

If anyone has clicked on the links please notify the Seniors ASAP, and if so you will need to shut down your PC completely until further notice.

We will update this post as and when we gain more information.

Update 10:25: ICT have advised that it is okay for those who clicked the link to log back into their laptops as long as you use your old password. If you experience any issues, please contact your Senior.

10th January 2023 - Missing Flexi Sheet Resolved

ICT have resolved the issues with the Flexi Sheets this morning. The flexi sheet for Period 1 is now restored in the Contact Centre folder in Y Drive.

Please note that as this version of the flexi sheet had to be recovered from Friday's system backup, you will need to enter Monday 9th January's times again.

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