
News - December 2023

Christmas and New Year Service Arrangements 2023/2024

Please see the below links for the Christmas and New Year service arrangements for 2023/2024.




Smarter Working

As you know Customer Services have been working hard over the past few months to ensure the safety of our staff whilst doing our best to accommodate different working styles/preferences i.e. where possible, home, hybrid & office working.

Some staff may have noticed the “Smarter Working” information that was highlighted on the rolling banner on the staff Interchange pages interchange - your communication station. Although the banner item is no longer available the Smarter Working pages can be found here Smarter Working - interchange.

How does the Smarter Working Project affect Customer Services? At the minute there’s no effect and we’ll be continuing to support existing working styles and preferences already in place.

I appreciate that staff may be worried by anything that says Smarter Working so I’d like to stress that this will have absolutely no impact on staffing numbers. The one thing that may come out of this could be office moves e.g. the CC could be relocated within HQ.

As soon as any information is known, CS staff will be kept updated. In the meantime, if any member of staff has any questions or concerns, please speak to their Team Leader in the first instance.

Complaints Eform Launch

To access the up to date information on the Complaints eform launch click on link below. Please continue to check link regularly for changes.

Complaints Eform Launch Information

18th December 2023 - HR Bulleting December 2023

Please click on this link to see the latest HR staff bulletin HR Bulletins - December 2023 - interchange

12th December 2023 - Pay360 Error - RESOLVED

12:35 - PAY360 engineers have advised that the below issue has now been resolved and payments can be taken as normal. If you still experience issues taking payments, please report these to your senior in the first instance

Please be advised that Pay360 are currently experiencing issues with Call Secure token generation. This will mean no payments can be taken at this time.

Pay360 engineers are currently working to resolve this. An update will be posted here as soon as one is available.

Please advise customers in the interim that payments are not currently available and to phone back either later today or tomorrow.

12th December 2023 - Food Parcels Procedure

Please see the attached information below about Food Bank referrals.

Foodbank - Worrying About Money
Foodbank Criteria 2023
Foodbank Requests 2023

From 1 November 2023 the Food Bank no longer accept self-referrals. From this date people need to access a support worker such as a social worker, health visitor, or housing officer. If someone is not in contact with a support worker then they can contact agencies such as Moray Citizens Advice Bureau or Money Advice Moray to process the referral.

Any questions please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

7th December 2023 - Online Forms Issue - RESOLVED

ICT have made us aware that there may be an issue accessing online forms this morning.

The Infrastructure Team are working to get the issue resolved a.s.a.p. and we will confirm once they have done this.

Update: This was resolved by the team at 9am. Access to forms has resumed.

5th December 2023 - Lagan Down - RESOLVED

Please be advised that we are aware of Lagan being down and ICT are working to resolve this ASAP. This post will be updated when we have more information.

Update 06/12: The issues experienced with Lagan yesterday are now resolved by ICT and calls can be resumed as normal. Any issues please pass via your Senior.

5th December 2023 - SharePoint Down - RESOLVED

Please be advised that the issues with accessing SharePoint yesterday have continued into this morning and for the time being the system is still down.

ICT are working on it and have advised that all going well it should be back up and running at some point this morning. This post will be updated ASAP.

Update: Please note this issue has now been resolved by ICT and access has been restored.

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