
News - November 2023

30th November 2023 – Bin Collection Calendar 2024 - Updated

30/11/2023: Please be advised that the calandar will be live from 10am today.

28/11/2023: Please be advised that there has been a delay releasing the Bin Collection Calendar for 2024. We will update this post when the calendar has gone live.

27/11/2023: Please be advised that the Bin Collection Calendar for 2024 is going live on the website at 3pm and there will be a social post out at 3.30pm.

22nd November 2023 – Bin Day Finder Issue on Mobile Devices - Update 28/11/2023

We are aware of an increase in enquiries coming in regarding the Bin Day Finder not working on customers mobile phones. We have been in touch with ICT regarding this issue and they have provided an explanation, see below.

At the moment ICT are working to move Bin Day Finder to another server, and unfortunately they don’t have a target completion date for this. This work means that not all mobile devices will be able to access this webpage due to their default device settings. Once this work has been done the webpage will work on all devices. In the meantime (this isn’t a sure fix for all but it will work for some devices), users on mobile can manually change the website URL at the top bar to say “http” at the start instead of “https”, and this will help in some instances. In any case, it’s best to use a laptop or PC where available so that this isn’t an issue.

In instances of customers phoning/emailing about this issue please advise as best you can and provide them with their bin day over the phone. We will notify you as soon as ICT have completed their work.

Update 28/11/2023: Please be advised that ICT have now completed the work for this webpage and customers should now have no issues accessing it from a mobile device. Any continuing issues should be passed via your Senior.

21st November 2023 – New Elgin Bin Service Disruption - Police Incident

Following the Police incident in New Elgin please be advised that the bins will not be getting serviced around the area as per a Police request. The affected streets are:


The service will advise in due course when this area will return to normal collection.

20th November 2023 – Money Advice Moray Team Development Day 22/11/2023

This is to advise that Money Advice Moray staff will be in attendance at a Team Development Day at Elgin Library on Wed 22/11/2023 all day and that no staff from Income Max, Money Advice, Welfare Benefits will be available that day to take calls.

Staff will have message to say on their email auto replies with that effect and normal service will resume on Thursday 23 Nov 2023 with all three teams within Money Advice Moray.

17th November 2023 – Bulky Collection @ 45 Bezack Street, Elgin - Update 17/11/2023

The crew have informed that they have been round and tried to get the bulky but the road is currently closed off by the police due to an on-going incident. They will check it later to see if it’s open later. If they can’t we will go back 1st thing on Monday.

The service will try and phone them to advise but just in case they phone in first.

Update 17/11/2023: Please note the service have spoken to the householder and have agreed to go back first thing on Monday.

15th November 2023 – 314 Forres Bus Broken Down

Please be advised the 314 Forres town service bus run by MConnect has broken down. PTU are sending another bus.

6th November 2023 – Bin Stocks

We’re running low on 240 litre blue & purple bins – what we do have are being kept for New Build properties.

Householders that call in to exchange their recycling bins from 140 litres to 240 litres will be given additional 140 litres instead – can you check with callers that this is acceptable, if not and they are willing to wait until we get more stock, please include on the enquiry “when stock becomes available”.

3rd Novemeber - Speyside Bus 4

If Andrew Kelly calls (1514 pick up) please advise him that the driver will be late for him after taking time to look for another customer but he is on his way, should Andrew call.

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