
News - December 2022

20th December 2022 - Buckie Water Supply Issue

Please note that we are aware of a number of calls coming in today regarding a water supply shortage in Buckie. This may affect more than one street, in the Alba Street area. Scottish Water are aware of the issue and have a notice on their website.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

16th December 2022 - Raising Repairs - Last Working Week of the Year

Christmas is fast approaching as we come into our final working week of the year.

From Monday 19/12/22, repairs should be booked as follows:

Standard Repairs: Please extend the number of days to 30 and book into the last week available.

Priority Repairs: Anything that comes in up to Tuesday 20/12/2022 please continue to extend the number of days to 7 and book these in for Thursday 22/12/222. From Wednesday 21/12/2022 please extend the number of days to 18 days. This will take into account the holiday period and will allow you to book into the new year. From Wednesday 21/12/2022 any priority repairs should be booked into the new year. If the repair cannot wait till then, please up prioritise these to urgent repairs (number of days 1).

Note: When booking into the new year, please avoid Wednesday 4 January 2023 to allow the DLO time to concentrate on anything left over from Out of Hours during the festive period.

Urgent Repairs: Please book these as normal. On Friday 23/12/2022 any urgent repairs should be booked as emergencies.

Emergency Repairs: Please book these as normal.

New Build Emergency/Urgent Repairs: The Springfield Aftersales team finish up at 12 Noon on Friday 23/12/22 and will not reopen till Monday 9/01/2023 at 9am. Any Emergency/Urgent repairs received between these times should be raised as normal in Lagan and phoned through to Springfield’s out of hours service on 03307 260 179.

On our return on 04/01/2023 all DLO repair bookings return to normal process. New Build Emergency/Urgent repairs return to normal on Monday 09/01/23.

Any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

15th December 2022 - Energy Bill Discount Scheme for non-domestic e.g. businesses and community organisations - UPDATE 14:00 15/12/2022

Following an enquiry from Burghead Community Hall re-possible funding from MC to help with energy bills for creating a warm space. There is currently no funding available from MC for this, however, I have found and provided them with this link to the Scottish Governments Energy Bill Relief Scheme for non domestic customers.

I am working to see if this link can be added to the Cost of Living Support HUB but thought it would be helpful to have on our news pages in the meantime, Donna.

UPDATE: A link to this post is now available on the Cost of Living Support HUB within the “Business Support” tab Cost of Living Hub - Moray Council.

15th December 2022 - Cost of Living Support HUB

These pages (Cost of Living Hub - Moray Council) are being kept up to date as soon as information is received. Customers looking for information not available here should be advised to keep a regular check in the first instance. Information is also available on community group social media accounts so customers can also be directed to these which MC do not have links for. If you have anything unusual, please contact the Seniors in the 1st instance, thank you, Donna

12th December 2022 - Raising Repairs in December - Update

Just to remind you all standard repairs should now be booked into the New year. Please remember to extend the number of days to 31 and book in from January onwards

2nd December 2022 - Raising Repairs in December

As we are coming into the Christmas Period we need to raise repairs slightly differently than normal to try and account for the 11 non-working days over the holidays.

From Monday 5 December, when raising standard repairs (20 working days) please extend the number of days to 31 (normally 28) This will start to open up the calendars from the 4th January. This is the maximum number we can extend to but will allow us to book into the new year. From Monday 12 December all standard repairs should be booked in for January. Please try your best to avoid Wednesday 4th January to give the DLO time to deal with what has come in through Out of Hours over the festive period.

Further updates will be added regarding Priority, Urgent and Emergency repairs in due course.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

8th December 2022 - Springfield Contact Number Change

Please note that Marie Rees has left Springfield Properties and so a new contact number has been provided for them. The repairs script has been updated to reflect this.

8th December 2022 - Housing Consultation - Annual Rent Increase Consultation 2023/24

Please be aware that the annual rent increase consultation with tenants is due to start on Monday 12 December. All tenants will be contacted either by email or post and asking them to fill in the survey. They will have the option of filling in a paper survey or an online survey.

There is a webpage set up for the rent consultation which contains all the information and will advise tenants how they can give their feedback.

The consultation will close on Friday 13 January 2023.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

7th December 2022 - Update to Defect Housing List

There has been an update to the list of houses in defect, the corresponding houses listed below. The script has been updated to reflect this accordingly.

Southview Drive, Keith, AB55 5GN – No’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 13.

Cantly Court, Keith, AB55 5GY – No’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, and 31.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

6th December 2022 - Housing Repairs, COVID questions to remain in place for the foreseeable future

Earlier this year the SG replaced the phrase “self-isolating” with the new phrase “stay at home advice” to be followed by anyone testing positive or suffering from symptoms related to Coronavirus. As a result, the questions asked of customers reporting a repair remain in place and should continue to be asked by Customer Services until advised otherwise.

If you have any questions, please pass via your Senior in the first instance.

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