
News - May 2022

6th May 2022 - Kinloss Bin Day Changes - Southside.

Some changes have been made to Route 77. Recycling only at Southside Kinloss will now be serviced on a new route on a Monday with effect from 23rd May.

The affected properties will have their recycling collected on a Monday (Route 66) and their green and brown bins collected on the existing Route 77 on a Tuesday.

The new route for the following properties only will be 66/77.

  1. 1-16 South Road, Kinloss
  2. 1-12 Wester Road, Kinloss
  3. 1-23 North Road, Kinloss
  4. 1-57 Central Avenue, Kinloss
  5. 1-8 Hatton Way, Kinloss
  6. 1-100 Easter Road, Kinloss
  7. 1-69 Abbey Crescent, Kinloss
  8. 1-18 Grange Road, Kinloss
  9. 1-14 Milton Way, Kinloss

Confirm and the online calendar will be updated in due course.

Letters including a revised bin calendar are being hand delivered today. A copy of the letter can be found on the following link.Southside Collection

Any questions please raise via your Team Leader in the first instance

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