
News - April 2022

27th April 2022 - Seagulls Update.

Afternoon all,

The above trial project which was in place for various areas in Elgin is no longer in place. The trial ceased a number of weeks (possibly months ago) but we have only recently been made aware of this by Building Services Manager Mike Rollo.

  • Website Mike has already arranged for the “Gulls and Other Wild Birds” web pages to be updated to remove the information re-this project which can be viewed here Gulls and Other Wild Birds - Moray Council
  • Lagan Advisors can find the specially dedicated Seagull script on Lagan by entering the short-code “DD” and then selection options for Environmental Health then Community Safety & finally Seagull Complaints.

Please note that the script still has an option for the Gull Project, this SHOULD NOT BE USED and I have issued a reminder Email to Development Services to remind them of the change that is needed following previous correspondence with them.

Seagull nuisance for Council Tenants where the Council is the occupier of a property where gulls are causing nuisance the Council does have a responsibility to resolve the issue. In this instance select the script option for “Seagull Feeding” find the property and select “Neighbour Nuisance” to raise a case to the appropriate team for action.



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