
Mental Health Support

Given the rapid changes to our lives as a result of Covid-19, the impact of this can soon effect our wellbeing. New ways of working, not seeing our family and friends, home schooling and isolation can soon influence how we are feeling and effect our resilience to cope. At times like this it’s important to know where you can reach out for some support.

Here are some of the initiatives taking place around mental health, providing extra support during the pandemic and some useful contacts should you need some assistance. Some of these initiatives are aimed at the particular challenges faced by health and social care colleagues


Employee Assistance Provider: TimeforTalking provide a 24/7 support service offering:

  • structured telephone counselling
  • face-to-face counselling (currently via video conferencing)
  • telephone support
  • live chat
  •  information and resources including links, podcasts and meditation exercises

You can speak to a member of the timefortalking team at anytime via the 24-hour confidential helpline

Tel: 0800 970 3980 (24/7, 365 days a year)


Live chat: Enter the website, click on "Live Chat" and enter the password TfTnow

Mental Health Foundation: provide advice and guidance on how to maintain your mental health, with a range of content designed to give you more information about mental health and to help you to look after your mental health. Providing podcasts, videos, inspiring stories and information about getting help if you're struggling

Grampian Psychological Resilience Hub: This is open to anyone in Moray, including children. As well as information about local healthcare, you can self-refer for three support sessions.

National Wellbeing Hub: This is aimed at health and social care staff and their families, offering self-help resources to promote resilience and wellbeing. It's hosted on PRoMIS at

Care colleagues, led by the NHS chaplaincy team. Trained staff lead 50-minute sessions to support listening to your story, in your time, for your wellbeing. Email gram-uhb.trimmoray@nhsnet or leave a message on the answering machine on 01343 567116.

Trauma Risk Management:  Supporting health and social care staff, focusing on the emotional impact on health and wellbeing. Call 01343 567116 or email gram-uhb.trimmoray@nhsnet

Support Services Guide on the interchange provides useful contact numbers of both national and local providers:


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