Moray Management Methods

Introduction to MMM Training

An overview of what training resources are available to support the reference document MMM.

Corporate Management & Governance

Training resources to support managers delivery of council priorities within the corporate governance framework.

Service Planning & Strategy

Training resources to support managers prepare for future changes and address continuous improvement and cost effectiveness.

Performance management

Training resources to support the management of service performance and ensure continuous improvement and efficiency.

Financial Management

Training resources to support managers to plan, spend, manage and monitor capital and revenue budgets.

People Management

Training resources to support managers to create a positive culture in the workplace and ensure effective workforce management.

Health and safety

Training resources to support managers to apply the council’s safety management system, ensure that risk assessments are undertaken and appropriate controls in place.

Risk Management

Training resources to support managers identify, record and manage risk in day to day operations, major projects and when considering development options.


Training resources to support managers eliminate unlawful practices or procedures that impact directly or indirectly on employees, services or service users.

Information Assurance

Training resources to support managers to ensure that the service operates in an open, transparent and publicly accountable way.


Training resources to support managers deliver value for money and quality in procured services by following the Council’s procurement procedures.

Customer Care

Training resources to support managers to provide a strong focus on customer care in accordance with Council policy.