Useful Links
National guidance and information
Net Zero Nation is the Scottish Government's portal for informing the public about climate change
Adaptation Scotland provides tools and resources for the public sector, businesses and communities to help them adapt to climate change
Nature Scot has lots of information on the climate and biodiversity crises and why we need to address them together
Explore the science
IPCC is the UN body responsible for assessing the science around climate change
Global Monitoring Laboratory is the place to go for the latest atmospheric CO2 figures
Met Office's Climate Dashboard has up to date indicators of changes like global temperature and sea levels
Show Your Stripes shows global heating data in those all-familiar visuals
Skeptical Science is a trusted source of explainers and myth debunking around climate science
Taking action at home
Home Energy Scotland has information on grants and loans for energy saving at home
WWF carbon footprint calculator is a useful tool to get you thinking about how you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Moray Waste Busters have a local reuse shop based in Forres with everything from toys and books to furniture and electronics ready for a new home
ReBoot offer free recycling of IT materials as well as running a repair service and refurbished computer shop
REAP, based in Keith, can provide wide ranging energy advice and offer a wealth of online resources on how to compost and grow food at home
Moray Carshare is a local car and E-bike club with a choice of plans to suit how often you travel
Love Food Hate Waste have lots of tips on their website for saving money and your carbon footprint at the same time by reducing food waste