
Climate Change

Moray Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and has since been working to embed climate action and thinking across all services. As a public service provider, we must show leadership and work together to address this crisis.

Responding to the climate and ecological emergency involves all departments. While some of the more immediate actions being taken might be focused on reducing the carbon emissions of buildings and transport, services such as social care and roads maintenance will be on the front line of dealing with the increasing and varied impacts of climate change. We really do all have an important part to play.

There are many ways we can support the effort to limit global heating and be prepared for its impacts. The changes that society needs to make may not be easy. However, they also bring exciting new opportunities including better health and infrastructure and happier, well connected communities. 

If you want to find out more please explore the pages in the menu or email us at

We'd  love to hear from you with any questions you might have, or if you want to discuss anything climate related.

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