
Making the most of the interchange

Less than four short months ago we launched your brand-new interchange. We hope you’ll agree that it packs a visual punch and is designed to give you a better user experience.

Now it’s up to you to make the most of the site. We know we’ve got a way to go in bringing more content over from the previous intranet, but we’re working hard on developing the interchange and we need your input.

“What can we do?” we hear you ask. Well, here are just a few suggestions:

  • Submit ideas for a poll. Think outside the box, we’re happy to have a mixture of work and non-work related polls, quizzes, etc
  • Submit work-related events for inclusion in our events listing.
  • Share any successes from within your team or section.
  • Share any upcoming campaigns that are relevant to staff (remember a lot of our employees live and work in Moray, so most of our services are used by colleagues).

You can submit any ideas (big and small) to and a member of the interchange team will get back to you for more details, if required.

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