
Latest Poll

We’re finally bringing you the survey to end all surveys…not quite, but we hope you’ll get involved!

Staff communications are a collaborative effort between services, the HR and OD teams and the comms team. Although we don’t have a dedicated internal comms team we try our best to keep staff up-to-date with policy updates, what’s going on in committees and interesting news about workforce achievements and informal news. But we don’t always get it right and we’re limited with the resources and infrastructure at our disposal.

But that doesn’t stop us being ambitious! That’s where you and your opinions come in. We’ve got a short survey (it’s 12 questions that should take no more than three minutes to complete) we’d appreciate you taking part in.

We want to know how you’d like to get your information, if you’d like to separate out policy updates from staff news, if you’d like to explore podcasts or video updates, and if you’d like to see the return of the forum tab on Interchange. Be as wacky as you’d like with your suggestions, we’re keen to find out what you really would find useful.

We can’t promise all your wishes will come true but it will certainly help us direct our attentions on methods you’d prefer. Thank you!

Take the survey until 31 August.

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