
HR Bulletins - March 2023


Welcome to the first edition of the HR Bulletin for 2023 which contains lots of updates for you to cascade to your teams. For additional information on any of the below articles please contact:


The spring holiday period is nearly upon us and as Managers you will be busy making sure that services still operating during the holiday are appropriately covered, to ensure smooth delivery for our customers and service users.

This is just a reminder to make sure that the appropriate management cover arrangements are also in place and have been notified to those colleagues working over the spring holiday period to ensure that they feel appropriately supported and know who to turn to should a situation arise.


As you will be aware we have an extra day of annual leave for the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. The coronation takes place on Saturday 6 May and the council has allocated Monday 8 May as an additional days leave.

The council will operate essential services only on 8 May 2023. This means that all schools, early learning settings, sport and leisure facilities and libraries will be closed. Other essential services will operate on a reduced capacity basis, to be confirmed in advance.

Those staff unable to take it on this day because they do not work that day or for service reasons, are able to take the extra day annual leave at another time. Those who for service reasons have to work on this day will receive their normal salary for this day; no enhancements are payable as this is an additional day’s leave and not a designated public holiday.

Managers should confirm which staff are due to work on Monday 8 May, please speak with them in the first instance if there are any issues. The extra day of holiday will be added to timesheets with no adjustment required from staff.


Due to new HMRC rules, the council has less flexibility to make emergency payments out with the normal salary payment date and most adjustments will now have to wait until the next pay date for discrepancies to be corrected.

It is therefore very important that services ensure accurate information is passed to HR and Payroll in the set timescales. Furthermore, it is vital that employees check their payslips before the pay date and contact Payroll so that updates can be made before pay date.


Career Ready, a programme designed to connect disadvantaged young people with the world of work, unlock their potential and level the playing field, is looking for volunteers.

We have been supporting this wonderful programme since 2014 by creating opportunities for interested staff to volunteer as a mentor.

Becoming a Career Ready mentor is a fun, flexible way to inspire a young person, unlock their true potential, and guide them through the early stages of their career journey. There is no denying that being a mentor is a commitment. It requires monthly contact (about an hour a month) with the young person over the 2 years and the support of a 4-week summer internship.

We ask that anyone interested in becoming a mentor, contact us so that we can begin to fulfil our commitment to the next programme which starts later this year.

For further information please contact:


Updated lists of First Aiders have now been distributed across the HQ and Annexe campus. Please throw away any copies of old lists held in departments and refer to the updated lists when required. Any queries on this should be directed to Health and Safety -


Managers are reminded that when they receive a copy of their employee’s OH report from HR Admin, it is their responsibility to ensure that the employee receives a copy as soon as possible.

Managers should be arranging Formal Absence Review meetings with their employee to discuss the contents of the OH report.

Where managers require guidance on next steps, reasonable adjustments or have concerns about the contents of reports, these should be discussed with your designated HR Adviser.


Workload management is a continuing challenge. To support and address this, a workload management toolkit has been developed that can support managing workload across all service areas.

The toolkit provides ways to plan how to manage and improve workloads, from discovery to identification, through to changes that could be required and potential ways to monitor improvements. A pilot is coming to a close and we look forward to being able to share this corporate ‘tool’ once the evaluation has been complete. Further information will follow however if anyone wishes to find out more about the tool sooner please contact organisational development on


What’s Live on CLIVE?

Are you about to undertake a new project? Then why not check out our Benefits Mapping course on CLIVE. This short module will introduce you to what Benefits Mapping is, help you think about why you’re undertaking the project, what you expect to achieve, and what challenges you may face.

You’ll also be able to generate an action plan to help deal with this issue. An Introduction to Benefits Mapping can be found under the Course for Managers tab.

Coming to a screen near you in early 2023:

  • Climate Change Agenda

Login to CLIVE to check out just this course, and why not have a look at the other 70 plus modules we have on offer.

If you’ve got any questions about eLearning please email


The Managers Forum continues to be an opportunity for managers to meet, discuss and share best practise. During last year’s sessions we have explored a huge variety of topics ranging from supporting mental health, responding to the climate crisis through to printer procurement.

In February, managers got together to discuss the Smarter Working Project. The next Managers Forum is planned for Thursday 30th March at 2pm. This session will provide an opportunity to explore the practical applications of Climate Change and what managers can do to support the strategy.

We would love to hear what topics you would like to be discussed at these or future sessions and if there are any managers interested in hosting a session.

Remember, although facilitated by the OD team, the topics and direction of the forum are led by the forum members.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for future sessions or you would like to host a session please contact to discuss.


The Cycle to Work scheme will be returning for 2023, dates to be announced but expected in late spring/early summer.

The salary sacrifice scheme offers an opportunity for all employees to hire a bike (manual or electric) and/or accessories over a 12 month period, with the option of purchasing the bike at the end of the 12 month hire period by either taking out an extended hire agreement at no additional cost or returning the bike. To qualify for the scheme the bike should be utilised for 50% of travel to your work place. This is a hire agreement so please ensure you fully read all the terms and conditions surrounding the scheme.

So if you or your team fancy a new bike, get window shopping now!

Further details will be communicated in Connect and on Interchange soon.


Are your retirement savings on track? Do you know how much income your pension savings may provide? And have you thought about how much income you might need when you retire?

Financial education specialists ‘Affinity Connect’ would like to personally invite you to attend an interactive full day course around the key aspects of planning for a financially secure future.

Retirement might be up to 10 years away but it’s never too soon to start planning. This course is perfect for anyone thinking about retirement or already at the planning stages.

During the course you’ll learn how to:

  • Help you plan for the lifestyle changes ahead
  • Maximise the benefits of your State and workplace pensions
  • Make the most of your tax-free cash
  • Understand the income options available from your pension
  • Achieve your retirement goals
Course Date Location Start Finish Pension
09 February 2023 Online 4:00pm 6:30pm Teachers
03 March 2023 Online 1:00pm 3:30pm LGPS
16 May 2023 Online 9:30am 12:00pm LGPS
18 July 2023 Elgin 9:30am 3:30pm LGPS
06 September 2023 Elgin 9:30am 3:30pm LGPS
19 October 2023 Online 4:00pm 6:30pm Teachers
25 October 2023 Elgin 9:30am 3:30pm LGPS

You can find more information on how to join a course here - Planning for the Future


Training delivered via Moray College will be available late summer.

Further information will be communicated nearer the time.


The latest edition of the Scottish Military Community Update has been published on Interchange: Latest Updates

This month there is information on grants and funding, changes to the benefit system, networking events for the North of Scotland, dementia workshops, plus much more!

Plus we have a new addition to the page, with information on the three Cadet Forces in Moray.


The RAF Benevolent Fund aims to help many RAF Veterans and serving families in Moray. They are offering grants to help cover home fuel costs, you can apply for financial assistance for debts, and as well as financial support, they also offer support for general welfare, independent living, family & relationships, mental & emotional wellbeing and friendship & connections. More information on these can be found below.

Link for professionals to refer RAF Veterans or Serving direct to the Fund for any of the services we provide.

Link for clients to apply direct for and financial funding that is less that £750.00

Link with some information about the fuel grant.,costs%20amidst%20the%20current%20cost%20of%20living%20crisis

Please feel free to forward this information to any of your staff who may find it useful.


The winter blues are very common, with many of us experiencing a mood shift during the colder, darker days before the warmer, lighter days of spring appear. During these times, we may need a bit of extra support, guidance or advice. We may look to family, friends or colleagues for this, but there could be times when someone independent or professional is preferred.

Time for Talking (TfT) the Councils Employee Assistance Provider, can assist with those over whelming moments, just by listening or offering advice without judgement.

They offer a number of resources, from blogs and podcasts to videos, planners and online information on their website.

You can contact them 365 days a year, via their website, by phone on 0800 970 3980, by app (downloaded from the app store or google play) or chat online to a counsellor through their Live Chat using the password TfTnow

All chats are totally confidential, people don’t need to give their name or email address unless they want to.

More information can be found at Time for Talking


The Smarter Working project continues to gain momentum, phase one of the project includes staff based at HQ, Annexe and North Guildry Street. Engagement Workshops for managers in scope have been held throughout February and March. Following these workshops, managers have been asked to discuss and engage with their teams regards their working arrangements, ensuring that 1:1 discussions and team sessions are held that will help inform and shape how services embed smarter working in these areas.


A grant from Access to Work may be available if you or a member of your team need practical support to help with a disability or health condition.

Access to Work can support you to:

  • hire disabled people who have the skills you need
  • retain an employee who develops a disability or long-term condition (keeping their valuable
    skills and saving both time and money recruiting a replacement)
  • demonstrate that you value and will support your employees

If your staff member has a mental health condition, they will be offered assistance to develop a support plan. This may include steps to support them remaining in, or returning to, work and suggestions for reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

Applications can be made online which makes applying quick and easy.


The government is building and testing a new online service providing advice and guidance to employers on managing health and disability in the workplace. We are supporting the development of this service through testing. By taking part, you’ll receive free information on disability and health-related employment issues. Any feedback would be gratefully received - it will make a real difference in the development of the new service.

Go to the test site Support with Employee Health and Disability to find out more and make your voice heard.


The Health Adjustment Passport is a form which enables individuals to identify the support and changes (known as reasonable adjustments) they might need when they are ready to move closer to, or move into employment, or just stay in work. The document is owned by the individual and completion is voluntary.

The Health Adjustment Passport aims to improve employers’ confidence and awareness of the types of adjustments and support available, for any disability or health condition. It can act as a tool to help you support individuals with disabilities or health conditions by improving your understanding of any reasonable adjustments the individual may need in work.


The range of products and types of equipment containing lithium-Ion batteries increases by the day. Everything from mobile phones, tablets, laptops, e-bikes, e-scooters, e-cigarettes, powertools and even musical birthday cards contain them.

With the numbers of lithium-Ion battery fires on the increase, it is important to know and understand the dangers associated with them and what we can do to reduce that risk.

Due to the chemical composition of the batteries, fires start with a process called thermal runaway. This can be caused by a number of things including damage, overcharging, overheating or short-circuit. The resultant chemical reaction produces chemical gases including carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and methane and heat which very quickly leads to rapid development of fire and explosion.

Mitigating the risks of battery fires

Preventative measures:

  • Treat lithium-ion batteries and the devices which contain them, with the respect they deserve. Protect the batteries against being damaged through crushing, puncturing or immersion in water as this increases the risk of fire.
  • Always use the charger that came with your device. If you need to buy a replacement, choose a branded, genuine product from a supplier you can trust. Don’t buy cheap foreign imports.
  • Avoid storing, using, or charging lithium-ion batteries at very high or very low temperatures.
  • Don’t leave items continuously on charge after the charge cycle is complete, e.g., don’t leave your devices plugged in overnight.
  • Battery experts recommend that a good charging range is from 20% up to 80% and then recharge from 20% back to 80%. Lithium-ion batteries don’t perform well when they are constantly charged from 1-2% up to 100% and back again.
  • Never charge a device such as a mobile phone under items such as pillows. Lithium-ion batteries need to be kept within a good temperature range, with good circulation of air around them. Always charge them on a hard surface.
  • When you travel, avoid keeping all your items containing lithium-ion batteries together, especially on a plane.
  • Avoid fast charging an aged or low-performing battery.

Containment measures:

  • Stop using the battery and/or charger if the temperature of either (or both) rises more than 10ºC (18ºF) on a regular charge.
  • If a Lithium-ion battery overheats, hisses, or bulges, immediately move the device with the battery away from flammable materials and place it on a non-combustible surface. If at all possible, put the battery safely outdoors to burn out.

How should Lithium-Ion batteries be recycled?

Lithium-Ion batteries should be recycled at the end of their working life rather than being sent to landfill, in order to protect the environment. Waste batteries should be stored safely outside a premises and protected from the effects of the weather while awaiting disposal by a specialist contractor or the supplier.

The terminals of waste batteries should be protected to prevent shorting between batteries.

However, lithium-ion batteries that have been damaged should not be disposed of in either general waste or in recycling containers. Damaged batteries should be removed from the premises and placed in a location well away from combustible materials.

This can be a significant problem in the waste industry as batteries mixed through other combustible materials can be crushed resulting in self combustion and fire within the refuse vehicle or at the waste site.

Lithium-ion battery fire video

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