
Mandatory Cyber Security Awareness – Password eLearning

A recent external assessment of the passwords used by staff to gain access to our network has revealed the use of weak passwords by some people.   The auditor carrying out the assessment was able crack a worrying number of user passwords using a dictionary-based attack – a common tactic of the cyber-criminal, where they try to guess a user’s password using a dictionary of common words, phrases and commonly used passwords, along with their many permutations.

As a result of this assessment, we were advised that all users should be made aware of what constitutes a secure password.

To that end, and following on from the previous Phishing eLearning module, the next cyber awareness module will be about Passwords.

What you can expect

This week, you will receive an email from which will contain a link to the online training module provided by MetaCompliance, and will look like this:


The purpose of the training is to learn about password security – the importance of having a strong password, how passwords are attacked and how to create a strong password.

Moray Council Password Guidance

The training module lasts approximately 15 minutes and will help foster a culture of cyber resilience within Moray Council by giving everyone the tools to choose a password which is resilient to cyber-attack.

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