
National Numeracy Challenge

Take the National Numeracy Challenge and become a Numeracy Champion!

Sound scary? It’s really not!

We use numeracy skills in our everyday lives – from baking to household budgeting and following football to holiday countdowns, we use our skills without thinking about it.

Many people feel anxious about maths and maybe have negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings around the subject. This can hold us back from engaging with learning about numeracy.

Moray Council has partnered with National Numeracy to promote the National Numeracy Challenge – a chance to explore your own relationship with maths and how it impacts your life. Go online to try the National Numeracy Challenge – and even better, access the free app which is tailored to what is most important to you.
The National Numeracy Challenge can help boost confidence with numeracy used in everyday life and work. You might want to progress in your career, or help your children with their own learning, maybe feel a bit more confident managing money. All of these are great reasons to get involved.

You’ll also get free access to the Nudge app, which acts as a financial health checker for your own circumstances. It keeps you updated on your finances and breaks financial news down into relevant nuggets of information. It nudges you when you need to take action and can help you plan for a big expense or simply help manage your money, allowing you to take complete control of your finances.

If you are more confident with numbers but recognise that others are less so, then one way to help is to become a National Numeracy Champion. All you have to do is take part in two short, fully funded, online sessions

There are no strings attached but Champions are encouraged to use their learning to help support adults at work, at home or in the community to build confidence with numbers. Champions don’t teach maths but act as mentors to support others. They help adults to develop positive attitudes towards numeracy, overcome their barriers and start their learning journey– they offer support and encouragement to others.

To sign up to take the National Numeracy Challenge, and potentially become a National Numeracy Champion visit the National Numeracy website for the next online session dates. Contact the Adult and Family Learning team for more information about the challenge and how you can use it in your work via

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