
The Employee ‘Your Voice’ Survey 2023 Results

From 21 August – 15 September 2023 we asked you to use “Your Voice” and tell us how things are for you at work. We had a positive response rate of 23%.  Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey, sharing your views and allowing us to obtain a more accurate understanding of how employees feel.

The Employee Survey asks questions across a range of different themes to obtain views from you about your experience of working for Moray Council and this will show us where you have said things are working well and where there may be room to make some improvements. Additionally, by comparing to previous survey results we will be able to track trends and see where previous improvements have made a positive difference.

The results have been analysed and are fundamental in identifying what we do well, and where improvements need to be made to make the Council a great place to work and provide the best services we can for the people of Moray.

Elected Members are keen to show their support in improving the workplace for all. Having reviewed the analysis a decision has been taken to create a short life working group with the objective of considering the findings from the survey and supporting improvements in workplace culture across the council. Watch out for more information on this in due course.

Employee Survey Results 2023

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